กลุ่ม STEAM
CHiPs group official CHiPs
กลุ่ม STEAM
CHiPs group official CHiPs
2 กรกฎาคม 2009
เกี่ยวกับ CHiPs group official

The California Highway Patrol

Larry Wilcox: Captain Jon Baker
Erik Estrada: Officer Frank "Ponch" Poncherell
Robert Pine: Commissioner Joseph Getraer
Paul Korver: Officer Peter Roulette
David Ramsey: Officer Sergeant McFall

The patrol of the road of California is now accepting applications highly - of the individuals motivated that are ready to serir the public and the state of California with pride. If you have the devotion, heart, and desire to make a difference, to follow the patrol of the road of California wants it. Conhecedoa and more most tactical of the training in the world receives optimum training in the nation in the academy from the CHP of the team of employees. It takes then its abilities to the road where you will be supplying the security, the service, and the security to the citizens of California. It takes thus a stage in the right direction and wall lamp it now to changed a member of the application of the finest law!

A patrulha da estrada de Califórnia está aceitando agora aplicações altamente - dos indivíduos motivado que estão prontos para serir o público e o estado de Califórnia com orgulho. Se você tem a dedicação, coração, e desejo fazer uma diferença, a seguir a patrulha da estrada de Califórnia quê-lo. Receba o melhor treinamento na nação na academia do CHP da equipe de funcionários a mais conhecedoa e a mais tática do treinamento no mundo. Tome então suas habilidades à estrada onde você estará fornecendo a segurança, o serviço, e a segurança aos cidadãos de Califórnia. Tome assim uma etapa no sentido correto e aplique-a agora para transformar-se um membro da aplicação de lei a mais fina!

Homage to the seriado Chips, in the decade of 70 and 80, where Erike Estrada and Larry Wilcok two policemen in its Harley Davidson, leave for the streets of U.S.A. to execute its works! It sees the Chips video in youtube to more know and to know a little!!

® Team The California Highway Patrol. All rights reserved
® Team The California Highway Patrol. Todos os direitos reservados

California Highway Patrol[www.chp.ca.gov]
CHiPs TV Series 1977–1983[www.imdb.com]
2 ในแช็ต
2 กรกฎาคม 2009