Computer Fixer People of Mordor [CFPM]
Computer Fixer People of Mordor [CFPM]
5 August, 2009
United States 
Professional Yams 16 Aug, 2012 @ 8:45pm 
Bring it back!!!
₴ ₸ ӏ₹ ⱡ ₭ € ӏ₹ 16 Aug, 2012 @ 1:31pm 
Its time to get the clan back together. CFPM will be making a comeback this year, If we get enough of a demand a few of us have no problem getting our own private or public server for the group
Professional Yams 24 Sep, 2009 @ 8:28am 
Hey everyone, we have sprung for a dedicated server! In our growing usage we have determined that we need a more stable platform. Below is the new information for the server.

20 Players Counter Strike Source 100 TICKRATE []

Please keep this in your favorites and "Let's move out!"
₴ ₸ ӏ₹ ⱡ ₭ € ӏ₹ 17 Sep, 2009 @ 1:20pm 
we will be beta testing some new addons to the server tonight
flash player punishment, no cash limit, forcing 100tick rate mod, if your team loses 5 in a row you get 5k, and each map has a day and night
Messi 3 Sep, 2009 @ 12:24pm 
3000 hit points moved from 300 to 1. bullet damage still 100%
Professional Yams 28 Aug, 2009 @ 11:57am 
Updated the server to handicap 3000 to 50% bullet damage. He is too good.
Messi 26 Aug, 2009 @ 1:28pm 
Good work! Now you get to receive bullets to the dome from my M4.
EmptyMemory 26 Aug, 2009 @ 11:57am 
YES! I figured this ♥♥♥♥ out.
Messi 26 Aug, 2009 @ 11:21am 
Our newest member. Sean. long time friend of mine is the newest member of our group. 14 and counting.
Messi 25 Aug, 2009 @ 5:36pm 
13 and growing. Newest member is Dom (coworker known since middle school) and Backpack our first real regular on our young server.
₴ ₸ ӏ₹ ⱡ ₭ € ӏ₹ 25 Aug, 2009 @ 1:35pm 
If you ever see my status as connected to it means I am on our server. I join via LAN to save on bandwidth, just join and you will he fine
₴ ₸ ӏ₹ ⱡ ₭ € ӏ₹ 24 Aug, 2009 @ 7:08am 
I shut off all extra plugins excluding Zblock to see if this was the cause for the random server crashes. So far so good. My guess was the behavior checker may have had something to do with it, still investigating/
₴ ₸ ӏ₹ ⱡ ₭ € ӏ₹ 24 Aug, 2009 @ 7:05am 
All talk has been turned on for dead people, so if you die, you can talk to other dead folks on the opposite team.
Professional Yams 21 Aug, 2009 @ 10:07am 
Popularity is growing. We have some users that are coming to CFPM as their first choice.

We are watching for good players to add to our member list.
₴ ₸ ӏ₹ ⱡ ₭ € ӏ₹ 20 Aug, 2009 @ 4:36am 
Physics has been turned on, you can now push things with the use command
₴ ₸ ӏ₹ ⱡ ₭ € ӏ₹ 20 Aug, 2009 @ 4:32am 
I also made a script that will run on each of the custom maps below, it will turn off stats since we will be messing around, turn on alltalk so everyone can talk to everyone, and change the freezetime accordingly to each map so no cheaters, like in scounts and knives where you can headshot right at spawn
₴ ₸ ӏ₹ ⱡ ₭ € ӏ₹ 20 Aug, 2009 @ 4:30am 
Added more maps playground_x fy_poolday fy_iceworld de_speedball
Messi 17 Aug, 2009 @ 5:55pm 
Added 3 new custom maps. de_box, scoutskives, glassfloor
₴ ₸ ӏ₹ ⱡ ₭ € ӏ₹ 13 Aug, 2009 @ 1:04pm 
Upped the difficulty of our bots. The voice codec has finally been tested and was a success on the server. Behavior control was also a success. Also added a mod that bans Steam Cafe steam ID's as they are usually tied to hacker accounts. Hopefully tonight will give a good test for how well the server will take the load of 5+ players
Messi 12 Aug, 2009 @ 10:33am 
We had 5 people at our first meeting on Monday. We are trying to get a scrim night once a week so we are shooting for every Monday. Reminders will pop up on steam every time we have a scrim. A reasonable goal will be for us to get 8 people into the server next Monday.
₴ ₸ ӏ₹ ⱡ ₭ € ӏ₹ 9 Aug, 2009 @ 10:58am 
added a player behavior checker, if its gets annoying we can disable it
₴ ₸ ӏ₹ ⱡ ₭ € ӏ₹ 8 Aug, 2009 @ 7:33pm 
I changed the voice codec to a better one and upped the quality, team speaking should be better now
Messi 5 Aug, 2009 @ 11:34am 
Welcome to CFPM everyone! Post here for any questions or comments.