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8 May, 2018
All Discussions > Uncut Reviews! > Topic Details
Superfabs 10 May, 2021 @ 8:46am
Anna The Series Test: Uncut Review Version
Anna The Series Test: Uncut Review Version

To see the Steam store review, simply click THIS UNDERLINED SPOT to reroute your course back to (or simply to, if you started here) the review as it is on Steam. Like this one, only a slightly more condensed version, which is missing maybe two paragraphs in the conclusion. Not a lot extra, but worth saving the whole thing here until character limits on Steam reviews are improved - as a matter of fact the minimum length is the biggest problem, with one-liners that have no relevance getting hundreds of "helpful" votes. Humans amuse me to no end with their frivolous and highly irrational/illogical behavior patterns. I digress, and so without further ado, I present:

Anna: The Series Test is an adult (R18/21+) visual novel with an interesting bit of choices and a strange twist where a choice has to be determined each round, but you do not know where they are going, or what may have happened, or be happening to them. There are around six various people to choose as to who to visit, and I am not sure if time has any influence (as far as wasting time sleeping, or other methods of skipping the day and not seeing anybody.

I like that the unique angle taken has a direct participation in trying to find a conclusive strategy as to when or why to remove somebody, and how it changes the eventual outcome after the fact, since the character is gone from the usual story-based interaction, but it is still possible to experiment with some things even after the fact, which can even help figure other things out that were otherwise not as easy to discern. It has a nice premise, and while it is not extremely and heavily hentai, it does deliver a bit of some suggestive and revealing scenes, should one choose.

The game itself has nice art and the style is interesting, adding a layer to the overall setting and general feel for me in some sort of way. I like the direction of the stories for the most part out of what I have encountered, and while the ideas are written well, I find that the grammar is really tough on the eyeballs if you are kind of like me, and prefer clear and well-written english mechanics, grammar, and punctuation - to express and align to a more suitable and proper “diction”. Pun intended. Who am I kidding?

Graphics and rendering movements are nice, but a bit cut in pieces, depending on the scene. There are some motion-based animated scenes as well. So far, not much has been revealed beneath the waist for me, butt (I had to do that) there are a lot of nice shots of the said region to muse over as you play. I find them quite likeable myself. I don’t necessarily find most of these robotic women(?) too attractive in the facial area, but their body styles are really sleek and nice. It’s also more realistic in terms of the skin not having that icky (to me) overly shiny and bronzed body, like somebody at a muscle competition that puts 4 gallons of baby oil on their body and sprays themselves until the appear more orange than a Halloween jack-o-lantern of a creature descended from carrots who was once a president somewhere in the world.

All jokes aside, the game is fairly okay and promising so far, aside from a few technical “out of the gates” just released game issues I found of slight bother, but I will be taking a few notes and maybe reach out once I have compiled all I think I can figure out. I’m happy to pass along some editing if it can help as I go along. I still have a lot more “inner workings” to delve into and examine fully to really understand the context, but so far so good!

Appears there is replay value with multiple endings. I do not know of the price yet, nor do I know of what sorts of other steam-related tweaking it may have added, such as achievements, cards, or any other types of bells and whistles. These things will help with how I feel about the game in regards to total cost so far. I still need to play out more of the game myself before I can give a solid answer to the average per hour estimate, which can help me figure out how I would calculate the base value (in a money per hour kinda way). Of course none of that matters anyway if a game is bought and just collects dust for years. It can be the best deal ever, and yet by not playing it, there is no real value since the potentially enjoyable experience itself is missed out on, given such a case.


Interesting approach to the visual novel core elements. I like the style, I like the way it’s going so far, and it’s not a borderline game where “the graphics save it” because of the genre. Not a lot of quantity, at least not yet , but the quality so far is appealing and tastefully done.

The rendering and art of the game is great, as I mentioned. Looking forward to… looking at more? More to come?

The combination of driving elements regarding each encounter and their story, the overall bigger story to try and figure out, and and the glue of the setting and graphic style round this out to have major potential, but I would advise caution and maybe try a little bit of the game, since you do not have to commit to a purchase if you meet the extremely skimpy and limited (more skimpy than the clothing I’m seeing in this game!!) Steam refund requirements.

A completionist would really enjoy this, since it has multiple endings, replayability and a lot of choices to make. I do not know to what extent some of these choices change eventual outcomes, whether it is elimination-based, removing characters each round, or just picking between a response when given the opportunity, and how that in turn affects other aspects of the game.


The grammar is very very tough to read. It’s pretty rough going, and in need of a serious overhaul. Nearly every text bubble has something in it I can find that just doesn’t really work together with the phrasing, or the tenses do not match, or punctuation has issues. Random stuff like that.

Riding off the previous grammatical issues that need attending to, it is and (especially near the beginning) was hard to understand, and there is no real difference to distinguish if one speaks or is thinking, aside from parenthesis, which I found to be missing in spots if that is what is being used, and this lead to further reading to clear up the confusion of what was meant, since it could have several different interpretations otherwise, based on how one broke the wording down, which parts they read seem like thought, which are speaking, and so it kind of gets hard to understand in a few spots until a bit further along.

So far, not many cons beyond those few grammar things. Sometimes the pixels freaked out in certain sections, making it appear slightly blocky or flat. This may have been intentional though, given the theme of the game, so I am not sure if it is a problem or intentional use of the aforementioned concept. I noticed it a few times in certain parts though, where it would be that way for a scene, or would flicker a time or two.

I would like a few more options in the settings, as well as a way to change the font style and also possibly the color. It can be hard to read when it’s got certain backgrounds near the wording, due to how it is structured.


This has been a pleasant surprise all in all, and I am happy I have had a chance to work with the game a bit and critique it. I hope it resonates well with others who play, and I hope the development will consider some of the issues. I am willing to offer assistance with grammar if it would be helpful, though I cannot devote a ton of time to that endeavor. I will try my best to help correct the fairly rough terrain a reader needs to navigate if they are playing the game in english.

Final verdict rests on the price, but for a completionist, the visual novel fan, people who like the thriller/mystery genre, and just overall lewds who have a mix of the above tastes and likes, I’m going to say you’ll get a decent amount of hours out of the game if you go through all it has to offer at first glance. I will assume this is not the biggest VN I have read over on Steam, but I am sure it is far from the smallest. Good amounts of information, but after a short 5 hours or so of playtime up to my writing, it’s pretty concise and short in its overall presentation.

The writing style is a bit slow at times, but overall it doesn’t get too wordy or detailed like some, where there is talk or subject matter for the same general idea in about ten or eleven different ways. That’s my job to pontificate, over-elaborate and wear my point out until it is so totally depraved and devoid of any possible additional context, it’s literally naked, just like the adult games when they offer excitement to the mix. Kind of like sordid games, sordid places, my sordid brain, and others like me that share a common camaraderie in loving researching, and taking pride in our love of the beauty of cheeky (another buns reference) witty, and downright sophisticated and intelligent ways to offer up lewd à la Mode in proper style. Overall, pleasantly surprised by this one. Very high praise for development, since it’s not the easiest thing to do in the entire world here with this game, but whatever the formula is here that actually makes it work, I hope if there are ever future projects, the same magic and synergistic properties will be pervasive through the entire read, in one way or another. It is pretty unique in the way it’s crafted, and so far, I am enjoying it! Very much a recommended game, all things considered. Don’t forget to keep it away from the youngins, and it’s probably a bit of a risk to play while you work. The boss might get angry. So, there you have my long-winded opinion, for what it is worth. Hope it helps shed a bit more light on things, though it is worded vaguely in parts. I simply do not know how to explain it as much as I would like, since I cannot think of a good word that really does such an expression justice. It’s quite fun and interesting! It has been a real pleasure and a blast to read over this so far!

Well, if you actually made it this far, thanks for reading! Hope it helps someone out there who likes to get lots of influx of detail. Consider supporting some of the curators that I am involved with. You can click me, as I have a small list of groups/curators to examine for various themes and subject matter.
Last edited by Superfabs; 10 May, 2021 @ 9:04am
All Discussions > Uncut Reviews! > Topic Details
Date Posted: 10 May, 2021 @ 8:46am
Posts: 0