Cakes Gaming Community TF2 [CGC)
Cakes Gaming Community TF2 [CGC)
15 Januari 2014
Bhs. Inggris
Semua Diskusi > Must-Read Threads! > Rincian Topik
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Cakes Gaming Community Group Rules - Please Read!
The Cakes Gaming Community Administration and Moderation Team reserve the right to remove anyone's access to this group, group forums, or the group chat at any time, without warning.

Unless specifically mentioned otherwise, the group rules mentioned below are in effect 24/7.

Those who break the rules may receive warnings, followed by either a temporary or permanent ban from the group chat, the group forums, or the group in general. (In most circumstances a ban will be given with no warnings).

By participating in our group, we assume that you have fully read and complied with the following:

Cakes Gaming Community is known to be a friendly and active community thanks to the rules we enforce. Be prepared to follow these rules, or don't participate in our events. Do not look for loopholes or ways around our rules. Any suspicious activity will not be questioned or further investigated; they will simply be treated as an illegal activity in our group, and a ban can and will result from it.

Cakes Gaming Community Rules

All posts must comply with CGC Rules. Breaking any rules could result in you being reported to an admin or moderator. This also includes posts that encourage CGC rules to be broken or illegal behaviour. Generally speaking, any action that undermines the group, its chat, or its members, is a violation and can result in a ban.


Spam will not be tolerated in this group. This includes line breaks, inappropriate one-liners, emoticon communications, off topic posts, posts in all capital letters, and posts making no sense. If you feel you need to reply to a post or comment, please make it meaningful, respectful, and useful. Breaking this rule can result in a ban.


Trading is strictly forbidden in group discussions and comments, unless it is posted in the trading forum. Trading is forbidden in our group chat during chat events. When there is nothing else going on in our chat (keep in mind that we often have something going on in chat even though there is no chat event), 1 trade post is allowed per person every 15 minutes. Trade chats in this group are taken very seriously, and offenders will be banned.


Do not post or link to any scamming or referral sites. Also do not post or link to any pornographic or extreme violence articles of any sort. Keep in mind our group chat is PG-13. Do not post M-rated stuff in chat. Breaking this rule will result in a ban.

Giveaways / Begging

Begging for prizes, items, or asking to win a giveaway (unfairly) will not be tolerated and will almost certainly result in a ban. If someone begins to antagonize another person who won in any way will be banned. The best thing to do is just move on and wait for the next winner to be announced or wait for the next day's daily giveaway.


Links to other groups, websites, or forums must NOT be posted in the discussions or chat without special administrative permission. If a member is caught doing this it will result in a ban.

Respect Others

Flaming is the act of degrading someone in this group and a form of bullying; this is highly frowned upon and WILL lead to disciplinary action, based on the judgment of the moderators. Racist or prejudice posts or unnecessary flames will NOT be tolerated. Anyone caught doing so will result in a ban.


Cakes Gaming Community welcomes members around the globe. Because of this, English, which is often considered the international language, is the only language that can be used in this group. Failure to use English in our group chat can result in a ban.

Loopholes and Implied Rules

Use your common sense. Just because a rule is worded as such, or because we fail to mention the specifics about a rule, do not take advantage of it to claim your innocence. Any action that undermines the group or its chat is a violation of our rules. Claiming 'loopholes' or 'failing to mention specifics can't do's' when filing for an appeal is STRICTLY NOT TOLERATED and will result in a denied appeal.

Chat Ban Appeals
More often than not, we ban users from our group chat as a form of warning. Thus, our bans are usually always appealable. You can only appeal a ban 24 hours after the time in which you were banned. You cannot appeal a ban during a chat event. To appeal a chat ban, please add any admin or moderator.

Forum Ban Appeals

Please contact a moderator to appeal a Forum Ban.

Group Ban Appeals

We rarely kick members from our group. Such group bans are permanent and cannot be appealed.
Semua Diskusi > Must-Read Threads! > Rincian Topik