Commando's Giveaway Group CAJGG
Commando's Giveaway Group CAJGG
11 december 2011
Alle aankondigingen > Aankondigingsdetails

So, what now?

Vind ik leuk
11 opmerkingen
Old Man Henderson 3 nov 2013 om 23:59 
Thank you for everything :)
QUISS 3 nov 2013 om 13:58 
Sad to hear this, but thanks for all the wonderful giveaways <3
AndyBoom 3 nov 2013 om 12:22 
It might be worth adding that in a little less than two years we've gifted over 150 games to this group in total. With an average of, say, 10€ per game, that's 1500€ worth of games. I think that's a lot.
Arukardo 3 nov 2013 om 11:44 
Thank you for all the giveaways you've done!
BloodyRo 3 nov 2013 om 11:28 
Hey Andy, you don't know me but I've won a giveaway from you in the past, it was Assassin's Creed Revelations, it made me very happy that time of the year when I was usually sad, so I want to thank you again for your kindness, I wish you happiness and luck.
Johnny 'Revolver' Jones 3 nov 2013 om 11:25 
Thanks for all of your work!
way2tired 3 nov 2013 om 11:23 
Thanks for all the giveaways. It was fun while it lasted
DuDE|StanGe 3 nov 2013 om 11:22 
thanks commando for your awesome giveaways :)
jbaskin 3 nov 2013 om 11:20 
Fico23f 3 nov 2013 om 11:20 
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