Bootsmänner - Guns of Icarus Bm-GoI
Bootsmänner - Guns of Icarus Bm-GoI
18 листопада 2016 р.
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Tournament rules, English version
Tournament rules in English:

What's this?
This is a condensed English version of our "Dampf der Giganten" tournament rules for our occasional guests who don't speak German.
You may not intend to join us regularly, but please still check out the rules to get the general idea.
You're also invited to join us in voicechat on Discord https://discord.gg/N9yQKcu

Procedures and Duration
In the beginning everybody gathers in the left side of a 4v4 lobby. After 4 captains have been chosen, they draft in rotation one of the remaining players at a time into their ship until everybody is assigned. Just like the humiliating procedure in PE.
Each ship will stick together for the whole tournament. While the crew can switch their roles, the pilot must always be the same.
We play 6 matches. After every two matches the teams scramble such that every ship plays twice with every other ship.
Map and gamemode are chosen via ingame-voting.

Matchtimer: 20 minutes.
Lobbytimer: 5 minutes. Starts when the mapvote is finished.
The ref (usually a player) may extend timers eg. to finish ongoing fights. The end of the match is announced with "ENDE" in chat. Both teams have to surrender then. Every team will receive their acquired points.

To make it more interesting, every pilot may use a ship only three times throughout the tournament.
Shiploadout changes should not happen in the last 30 seconds. Announce changes in the chat.

Everybody in the team will receive points as follows:
Deathmatch: 1 Kill = 1 Point
King of the hill: 90 Points = 1 Point
Crazy King: 90 Points = 1 Point (currently not available in 2v2 I think)
VIP Deathmatch: 3 Point = 1 Point (currently not available in 2v2)
Skyball: 0.6 Points = 1 Point (RIP Skyball)

In case of an actual surrender, the winning team automatically receives 5 points. The surrendering team will receive the points that they acquired during the match as usual.

just ask for pauses, usually not a problem. ref can confirm pauses. stop movement or get back to your position.

The ship with the most total points wins. Everybody from the ship will receive an item of there choice from the ingame shop (no charity or workshop) or 1000 coins for the worldmap.

Rules may be changed on the spot by the administration

Have fun and thanks for joining us!
Автор останньої редакції: Psi Crow; 16 трав. 2021 о 11:15
Усі обговорення > Bootsmänner Forum > Подробиці теми