Blockscape USA BLSUS
Blockscape USA BLSUS
9 November, 2012
SpaceRox 3 Apr, 2014 @ 4:21pm
How do you make an axe, shovel, or pickaxe?
i read somewhere that you have to have a file for that recipe?
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Raivek 3 Apr, 2014 @ 4:27pm 
There are mods in the blockscape forums that allow you to make a pickaxe (among other things). Not sure about axes and shovels and tbh when I tried them after making the pickaxe my mining speed didn't change.

Anyways, if you play in creative mode there are a lot of mods that add some cool items (automatic doors, drawbridges, trapdoors). Here's the link. Let google translate if you don't speak russian.

And btw if you do try the mods, such as Jareds recipe mod or any from the link, you just drag the files from the zip into the blockscape folder. Pretty simple.

Hope that helps a tad. I wouldn't mind some clarification though on tools and how to use them. I posted on the forum (as Likoren) and have not gotten a response. Thanks.
Raivek 3 Apr, 2014 @ 4:28pm 
Oh, I should add that I read that if you add over 49 tools then blockscape will crash. So just pick a couple if you do try them and not all of them.
SpaceRox 3 Apr, 2014 @ 5:26pm 
is blockscape down?i cant get to the site or sign in?
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