BladeMaster's Broadcast Club bladesbclub
BladeMaster's Broadcast Club bladesbclub
16 November 2010
Bhs. Inggris
TENTANG BladeMaster's Broadcast Club

Welcome to the 'casting club!

In a lengthy summary, we're a group of people that enjoy livestreaming games! We used to be on Xfire and formed our group back there. Eventually, PIPe (now a lovely admin) and many others began to livestream on and the rest of us followed suit. We're a friendly lot who like to livestream for fun!

We welcome all into the group and hope you also post up your own livestream events too!

Our Streamers

Want to know who livestreams in the group? Check out the following links!

PIPe[] | Valor[] | M4[] | Blade[]
Mel[] | Vulkie[] | Mytharios[] | Kyno[] | Superharek[] | Mysti[]
An Update on recent events
  • I was told my company would shut down and I would lose my job by July.
  • My wedding was in July this year.
  • I spent most of mid-May to late June trying to find a new job.
  • I was busy with job interviews, and managed to secure a new job 2 weeks before my wedding.
  • I moved house a few days after my wedding in July.
  • I went abroad on my honeymoon, which was unfortunately cut short and we both returned home.
  • I have been decorating, furnishing and making my new home liveable.
  • Started my new job.
  • Finished furniture and unpacking everything early October.
  • My wife contracted viral conjunctivitis, I look after her.
  • I got the same virus, she got better but I have been unable to see properly for nearly a month.
  • I'll be fully recovered in another 2 weeks or so, but I will be back to work by mid-November.

Yes, it's been a very hectic 6 months, but I am surely about to return to a new routine of work/life/streaming balance, and I have had to adjust to a lot of changes as of late, however the good news is that I should be back to standard streaming this month.

I will also have a Playstation 4 in the next two weeks, and I am very excited to stream lots of new titles from there. However, I still have a good backlog of games to stream on PC, I'd say around 50 decent titles, with a lot of the other ones being those... weird anime hentai games and Gachi games that you all very kindly gifted me... which I can't ever be seen playing.

Anyway, that's about it. I'm just glad to say I'll make a return to streaming fully in the next 3 weeks.

Sub option & revised schedule
Ulasan BladeMaster's Broadcast Club
"All sorts of titles! Nothing specific to see here, just a mishmash of all genres that we recommend you play (or don't play). A lot of these reviews come from our members who are also livestreamers, so trust us!"
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13 Komentar
Tsurata 28 Jun 2013 @ 11:49am 
Sup peeps. :D
iihsoY 26 Mar 2013 @ 1:53pm 
Hyped for next Resident Evil shixt stream owo
superharek 1 Jan 2011 @ 2:01am 
Happy New Year! С Новым Годом!
iihsoY 26 Des 2010 @ 3:23am 
So... Guys I just got L4D Bundle pack and want to say that if any1 wants to play L4D1 with me (The only one installed for now) to talk with me :D
Kespertive 20 Des 2010 @ 1:05pm 
Mytharios 17 Nov 2010 @ 10:03pm 
Nice to see the Steam Group up! Hope I'll be somewhat active again soon... Kinda gave up coming on, on account of pure boredom really, nothing to do and games I want but can't afford to get atm.
Ke ruang obrolan
16 November 2010
Bhs. Inggris