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10 сентября 2012 г.
Binding issue: Steam Deck to PS5 Edge Controller Layout
I think I may have created this topic in the past, but I can't remember.

When using a PS5 Edge controller and loading a Steam Deck controller layout, mostly everything binds correctly EXCEPT for the L4, L5, R4 and R5 buttons.

For instance, on a Steam Deck, the easier to reach, more comfortable back buttons are L4 and R4. So, you might bind "Sprint" to L4, and "Jump" to R4. And then since L5 and R5 are more difficult to reach and press buttons, you'll bind your lesser used functions to those 2 buttons.

However, this is a problem when loading a Steam Deck controller layout to the PS5 Edge controller because R5 and R4 are swapped. This means that, the function buttons at the bottom of the PS5 Edge controller become "Sprint" and "Jump" when those are incredibly difficult to reach buttons.

Moreover, the issue also affects the Steam Controller. If you load a Steam Deck controller layout on the Steam Controller, R4/R5 and L4/L5 are swapped. Which means, "Sprint" and "Jump" become unbound since the Steam Controller lacks L5 and R5.

You might be thinking, "just rebind them". That's easy to do if your controller layout is simple, but if you have something more complex, involving multiple binds per button, it's not so simple.

So, please change the default behavior so controller layouts give you the option to "swap" L4/L5 and R4/R5 easily and when loading up a Steam Deck controller layout on a PS5 controller, L5 becomes the left back button, and R5 becomes the right back button by default.

It really shouldn't be that difficult to implement, and honestly, some kind of popup dialog giving the user the ability to choose whether to swap those buttons when applying the layout would be great.

Thank you.
Отредактировано Creepio; 8 июн в 19:03