AT Gaming (Public) AT Public
AT Gaming (Public) AT Public
게임 중
2011년 8월 28일
AT Gaming (Public) 정보

Welkom bij AT Gaming!

AT Gaming is een officiële e-sport vereniging opgericht in het jaar 2009. Met verschillende teams zijn wij aanwezig op grote LAN's en andere evenementen om deel te nemen aan competities en andere wedstrijden. Games die onder andere actief worden gespeeld:
> Call of Duty 4
> Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
> Counterstrike Source
> Battlefield 3
> League of Legends
> Starcraft II
> Trackmania


> Counterstrike: Global Offensive
> Counterstrike 1.6

Op onze website vindt je meer informatie over AT Gaming. Tevens zijn wij altijd opzoek naar serieuse gamers die binnen onze e-sport vereniging actief willen zijn. Volg ons ook op twitter om op de hoogte te blijven van het laatste nieuws!

AT Gaming is e-sport partner van CM Storm en mede hierdoor vindt je ons met regelmaat op grote events zoals Gamescom, Firstlook, etc.

AT Gaming[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Wordt lid van de MW3 groep t.b.v. THE PARTY
Cybergamer MW3 leagues and ladders
댓글 6
Zafirippu 2015년 11월 1일 오후 2시 21분 
ik was vandaag bij informatique gaming days 2015 en won zo dance off. 1 van jullie leden wilde daarom beter zijn in csgo. weet niet wat ze ingame naam was. maar ik zeg kom maar op !!!
dewittejager 2015년 8월 17일 오전 10시 36분 
maybe a little info update and website use on this page to promote AT a bit more
(*-*) 2015년 4월 10일 오전 10시 25분 
Hello guys and girls,

Just to promote my twitch a little and getting more people in my steam group i am just posting my link in the groups i joined in the past. I hope u wont see it like spam, but in the way that i just wanna help people in al kind off ways. It can be like helping by the game, sport ect ect! Questions an free and i try to get the steam group active. I hope to see you there and i also hopeyou like what i am doing for the human bein!!

Greetz Yoeri'Tresor aka YvDtv'van Dam
Troy 2013년 3월 23일 오전 9시 48분 zoekt actieve leden 15+ voor CS GO of BO2 *headsetverplicht*
ADD mij als je wil joinen :)
milkshake 2012년 11월 17일 오전 1시 04분 
wie speelt er cod bo 2 ?????
David Hasselhoff 2011년 11월 28일 오전 11시 35분 
codmw3 add me
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2011년 8월 28일