Andy's Emporium of Fine Hats Andy's Hats
Andy's Emporium of Fine Hats Andy's Hats
Fondé le
6 février 2016
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Trading Tips
Make a post here if you are looking for tips and tricks to help you with your trading. Whether you're just starting out or an experience trader just stuck not making profit. I'll always try to post helpful replies.
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Binka 7 févr. 2016 à 12h01 
hey, im stuck with 2 keys and a few scrap weapons i dont know what to buy then sell to make profit i find it hard to find something worth buying to then sell on for profit please help :D
andy.c 7 févr. 2016 à 12h08 
Ok the first thing I'd do is get rid of those keys and get some ref. I didnt trade with keys until I had 50 ref or so. Now the next thing you need to do is head to a trade server like skial. Then you want to bind the following "BUYING almost ALL ITEMS with PURE METAL... Trade me" and wait for the trades to roll in. What you are looking for is people with large amounts of items (stranges and cosmetics work best). Add up the price of their items using the calculator and subtract 25%. Make them an offer. They probably wont accept the first one you make so be prepared to haggle (or even cancel if they just dont want to deal). List all your items for sale on, rinse and repeat :)
Dondon 13 févr. 2016 à 10h27 
Any tips on making profit without scrap banking?
andy.c 13 févr. 2016 à 10h36 
Try and buy large bundles of discounted hats/stranges on trade servers. The post just above explains the exact strategy I used until I had 10 keys. Then you start buying quicksell unusuals
Greg 30 mars 2016 à 13h25 
I have gathered around 11Keys from quickbuying and reselling cosmetics and stranges. What should I do? Should I buy an unusual? I heard I should try to quickbuy unusuals for 30%off but I cant find discounts like that even after searching through unusual listings on outpost or trading on the vatican unusual server for hours. What am I doing wrong? What should I do?
Theres no straight answer to your problem, everyone finds it hard to buy good quicksells (including me). I would advise trying on different servers and see what luck you have. Also try using your mic.
Hey Andy How's it going. (Anyways going straight to the point) Any other tips on tading up to an Unusual Conjurer's Cowl (Dead Presidents)?
I ,as of now, have enough ref to get a key but after that idk what to do. Any tips?
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