กลุ่ม STEAM
Albino Moose Games AlbinoMoose
กลุ่ม STEAM
Albino Moose Games AlbinoMoose
30 มกราคม 2017
United States 
Misplaced textures on Spooky's
The textures seem kinda fucky. i.e the doors looking like the texture was placed slightly to the right and looped. Any suggestions on a fix?
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กำลังแสดง 1-3 จาก 3 ความเห็น
i have no idea what you're talking about. could you clarify or take a screenshot?
I think I have the same problem as you. Glitched door textures. I'll maybe try to get a screenshot going, but it would take SUPER LONG for it to prepare it. But simply put, maybe you're just not meeting the minimum graphical standards for the game.
Screenshots always help and specificing what game you're talking about, HD or original.
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กำลังแสดง 1-3 จาก 3 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50