[DK] Zombro Arma 3 Wasteland zombrowaste
[DK] Zombro Arma 3 Wasteland zombrowaste
11 December, 2015
JesKr 12 Dec, 2015 @ 7:08am
Suggestions for the server.
Please tell us if you have ideas for new stuff on the server or if you think anything needs changes.
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
Moretti 12 Dec, 2015 @ 12:33pm 
When you typically complete a weapon/supply cache mission and look in the crate, you most likely find somewhat of a good "DLC" Weapon or two, and then the rest is default common guns. You might wanna fix this a little, as it isn't really fair for the people who doesn't have the Markman DLC, and therfor can't use thoose good weapons they'll find.
Last edited by Moretti; 13 Dec, 2015 @ 7:23am
JesKr 14 Dec, 2015 @ 6:25am 
Hi Moretti,

I see what you mean, and I agree. I will look into it in the next update. :)
Big.ounce 18 Dec, 2015 @ 9:04am 
A suggestion would be to go back to the original map without alle the building, or use the other island. That is im experiencing a framerate drop with the new map.
It would still work without all the buildings, or maybe find a map that is not so overpacked.
JesKr 18 Dec, 2015 @ 9:26am 
Hi Löwenbräu,
The original is ok, but the players needed some new stuff, which this map give. It is completely different tactically. You are the second which have told me this, but many more love this map.
I know it has a little cost of FPS, but only on a few places, and not that much FPS cost.
How is your FPS at which locations?
Big.ounce 18 Dec, 2015 @ 9:47am 
Cant say specifically, but im loosing about 10-20 frames when joining this, compared to a regular server. Running about 50-60 in a regular, and in Zombro i have been all the way down to 15-25 frames.
JesKr 18 Dec, 2015 @ 1:41pm 
Myself I have around 50-60 fps normaly, but when server is loaded with many players, fps will allways drop on any server. But I agree at some places fps drop a little, but not alarming. If you have fps at 25-30, its more than enough for Arma.
Big.ounce 18 Dec, 2015 @ 1:59pm 
Okay tak for det hurtige svar og gode kundeservice :-)
JesKr 18 Dec, 2015 @ 2:03pm 
Np Löwenbräu, håber da fortsat at se dig derinde :)
Gant 22 Dec, 2015 @ 3:16am 
Serveren kører fint, dog er der et par ting jeg syntes skal ændres:

-Cirkler omkring General / Vehicle Stores så man kan blive gjort opmærksom på fjender eller venner nærmer sig.

-Fjern TWS scopes, det er langt sjovere og ikke mindst skræmmende at kravle rundt med fjender der løber rundt om ørene om én, som bliver sniped hvor du overlever fordi du har gemt dig.. ;)

-Ændre start våben til "Submachine Gun's". En kampklar ny-spawnet person kan lige nu maje en gruppe med fuld udstyr ud.
- ^ Eventuelt uden "accessories", som silencer, scopes m.m.

-1. person dage, hvor serveren skifter til kun at køre i 1. person, for at prøve en helt anden måde at spille arma på.


In English:

The server is running fine, however there are a few things I thought should be changed:

-Circles around General / Vehicle Stores so that you can be made aware of enemies or friends approaching.

-Remove TWS scopes, it's far more fun and especially frightening crawling around between enemies running around you getting sniped where you survive because you were hiding ..;)

-Change The starter weapons to "Submachine Gun's". A combative new-spawn can currently mow down a group in full equipment out.
- ^ Possibly without "accessories" as silencers, scopes, etc.

-1st-person days. The server switches to run only in the first person, to try a totally different way to play arma .

Last edited by Gant; 22 Dec, 2015 @ 3:22am
JesKr 22 Dec, 2015 @ 4:09am 

Jeg er enig med dig lidt hen af vejen ang. nogle af tingene.

Cirkler omkring General / Vehicle Stores synes jeg ikke om, man skal ikke være advaret hele tiden.

Det har i længere tid været meningen at TWS/Nightstalker ikke skal kunne købes i stores, men kun kunne findes i nogle missions.

Ang. start gear, så bliver det også ændret med mellemrum, specielt hvis noget er for overpowered. Men jeg er enig i at man skal starte med et begrænset gear.

Ang. 1. person, så har du sikkert ret, men mange er ikke vilde med det, så det ville være på bekostning af players på serveren, hvilket ikke er optimalt.

JesKr 27 Dec, 2015 @ 2:08am 
Hi Gant,

Now the TWS/Nightstalker are not availible in the stores any more.
They can only be found in Enemy Outpost or Sniper OverWatch as rare loot.

Gant 27 Dec, 2015 @ 4:35pm 
<3 :D

Antonio 28 Dec, 2015 @ 4:55am 
Hey Jes,

Server is awesome but i would think about making the prices of Armed helis and Tanks higher, because for me WASTE land is still a harsch survivlal sandbox and it should be harder to get good guns and vehicles plus that you schould spawn with a pdw 7 or 1911 cuz the mx sw is just to powerful for a frschspawn. I hope you think about it maybe just remove the sx sw cuz thats actually the biggest issue for me.

- Randy Spanish
JesKr 28 Dec, 2015 @ 7:50am 
Hi Randy Spanish,

I think partly that you are right, the start gear needs to get modified to less powerfull.
But on the other hand this server has customized classes, so they need to have some gear. But I agree it should be not this good.

I hope you can agree with me :)

- Jes
DannyTapper 2 May, 2016 @ 6:52am 

I have noticed a thing that might improve the base building experience. On the server restart all the stuff from vehicles is not being saved (i mean all from the vehicle content, like base building parts and stuff like that). The big cargo container which you could buy from General Store is on the same script as a car, so it doesn't save base building materials neither. As we said that, there is no point of gathering base building materials if you don't have time or chance to place them down straight away. If you could do something to force save the vehicle content it would be really great and it would improve base building.

- Danny
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