Ze Fat Pandas [zFpR]
Ze Fat Pandas [zFpR]
26. September 2014
United States 
Alle Diskussionen > Discussions > Themendetails
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Group Rules!
Hey guys, Mr. PandaDude here with some House Rules! Me, Mofo and Ekana have created some rules for the group. There will be rules added as the group progresses. Please read them as you join the group so you know what to do and what NOT to do. :balloonicorn:

1. No innapropriate topics/chats as in racism, discrimination, etc.
2. Everyone in the group is equal *Not counting admins, mods, etc*
3. No spam and swearing in the comments, chat, etc.
4. No scamming allowed
5. Don't beg for Mod or Officer
6. Do not lie in a giveaway (Lying about how many people you invited) *WE CAN CHECK*
7. Do not spam the Mod/Admin doing a raffle/giveaway with trade offers
8. There are no refunds once you join, unless the raffler cancels it.
9. Please consult an admin to hold a raffle/ giveaway.

1. Try to be as active as you can, for you will be moderating the group
2. Don't post random discussions about things like Do you like pandas (for example)
3. Don't kick players randomly (in the group and in chat) as in, don't kick them without a reason and don't abuse it.
4. No spamming announcements/discussions/comments/etc
5. Since you are getting profit and stuff from your raffles (But DON'T FORGET TO DO GIVEAWAYS) It is requiered that you give a RECLAIMED METAL if you want to apply for SEA or REA. To be a raffler, you must pay 2 RECLAIMED METALS. To be a moderator you need to pay 1 REFINED METAL. Finally, for admin, the fee is 2 REFINED METAL. [Does not apply to mods/admins in the group [b]BEFORE[/b] this rule occured]
6. When you're hosting Raffles, make sure no one else is hosting a raffle so it doesn't get confusing.
7. Only one [RAFFLE] and one [GIVEAWAY] at a time.
8. You must do at least ONE Raffle every 2 weeks.
9. You must do at least ONE Giveaway every month. The Giveaway MUST BE a invite friends to enter so we get more people
10. Mods and admins get no special treatment when joining a fellow mod/admin's raffle

Scam Enforcement Agent / Rules Enforcement Agent
1. No scamming
2. Since you'r investgating, you need to have good knowledge about scammers and how they work/behave
3. No scam tag
4. You will be held responible if any scam occurs in the group
5. Please memorize all the rules and follow them all the time
6. Please take down user's name and steam url is the breaks a rule and submit them to an admin

1. Only 3 raffles a day
2. If you performed a unusual raffle recently, please give it 14 days to cool down
3. Please have a section on every raffle the donator perks's prices.
4. Profit should [b[ NEVER [/b] excede 20% of the item's value
5. Please take note of all users who pays, how much they paid and the slot number
6. Honesty is the best policy

:balloonicorn: "I AM A FAT PANDA" :balloonicorn:

Thank you for your cooperation.

- Mr. PandaDude
Zuletzt bearbeitet von bootyeater3000; 16. Dez. 2014 um 18:48
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Beiträge 13 von 3
ekana 8. Nov. 2014 um 20:20 
swag dank yolo new admin rekt m8 skrub (add me for firefall)
Fred 8. Dez. 2014 um 20:54 
Wait, I'm a mod before this came about, do I need to pay?
so if im not a raffler profit can excede 20% if i raffle something then?
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Alle Diskussionen > Discussions > Themendetails
Geschrieben am: 8. Nov. 2014 um 20:18
Beiträge: 3