✯Yuri Wuv✯ ✯YW✯
✯Yuri Wuv✯ ✯YW✯
19. Juni 2014
ÜBER ✯Yuri Wuv✯

We Wuv Yuri!

Kon'nichiwa! Welcome to ✯Yuri Wuv✯ A amazing active 2014 Yuri lover group! For all those Yuri, Manga/Anime lovers. This group is rather active with heaps of annoucement spams, If you do not appreciate the spamming you either deal with it or leave the group or if you just stalked this group page then don't join. The coyprighter who owns this amazing group is MonsterFr3ak.

Feel free to join the group chat to meet new people, and start up discussions about rather anything besides discriminating or sex jokes about other players. I made this group to rather be a fun 2014 Yuri Club, Not full of so much discourage or unfair treatment. So please feel free to join and, click on that dearest highlighted blue button to invite some of your fantastic cute yuri lover friends to this Yuri Club.

The main language in this group will be English.

Tags: Lewdies, Butts, Pantsu, Yuri, Anime, Manga, Touhou, Ecchi, Hentai, Lolita, Neko, Furries. etc.

Please no impersonation or copyrights of any groups or players, Thank you~

Group Rules:

#1. No discrimination, treating people differently through prejudice: unfair treatment of one person or group, usually because of prejudice about race, ethnicity, age, religion, or gender

#2. RP and ERP are allowed, But are not to be done with who doesn't like to do RP/ERP or is rather taken in some cases.

#3. No threatening or unsafe behaivour towards other members under all circumstances.

#4. No starting an outrage about what we do in this group, It'll piss me off and make me want to kick you out of the group for sure.

#5. If a Moderator, Admin or Owner catches you disobeying rules or doing things you are not allowed to be doing you will recieve a reminder, Next to a warning then a kick. No more reminders or warnings. I don't roll that way.

#6. You have my permission to post and edit annoucements and events, You have no right to edit other peoples annoucemetns or events so please show empathy and be responsible for your actions. Or I will change that permission to only allowing Owner + Admin to post annoucements due to editing other peoples work and not your own. Thank you very much.~

✯Yuri Wuv✯

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I will very appreciate you joining my bestie Vaida's Striped Pantsu Club group, Use to be owned by me but to be honest, I just made it for her~


Feel free to join by clicking Striped Pantsu Club group abbreviation above, Thanks for supporting her group. ♥
26 Kommentare
Belva Company 20. Feb. um 11:34 
Stewie on Crack 8. Aug. 2024 um 12:08 
feel free to add me :iloveu:
rep 4 rep:iloveu:
Feel free to invite me to your group:iloveu:
じぇろぷびー 8. Apr. 2023 um 16:18 
yuri gagarin
6 25. Jan. 2023 um 2:04 
add me, we can chat some nice h-games ^_^
76561199178984541 13. Feb. 2022 um 19:43 
:plusz:Rep looking for friends add me guys:shakinghands:
Blunc 29. Jan. 2022 um 13:29 
🖤 Feel Free To Add Me 🖤
Chat betreten
19. Juni 2014