Total War Shogun 2 England YYMSS
Total War Shogun 2 England YYMSS
20 March, 2011
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
Mr.Green 20 Jul, 2021 @ 11:46pm 
Do people still play? :O
Carolus Rex 19 May, 2021 @ 9:52am new Shogun II RP.
Chef 13 Aug, 2015 @ 11:46am 
Papa_Smurf 26 Jul, 2014 @ 3:56am 
Anyone up for ranked Shogun 2 battles? Add me if interested.
Lutz Grössermann das kanibal 9 Jun, 2014 @ 9:23am 
Death 13 Apr, 2014 @ 2:54am 
LukeC 31 Jan, 2014 @ 11:21am 
Does anybody fancy some shogun 2 anytime? If so hit me up! :D
☩ Tyr ☩ 13 Aug, 2013 @ 4:03pm 
I'm searching far and wide for a player with skills to campaign with. Someone PM me.
Hero of Sparta 30 May, 2013 @ 1:48am 
Can I become a samurai plz! I'm new but eager to serve the daimyo and clan!
76561198076804188 27 Mar, 2013 @ 12:11am 
76561198079244906 17 Feb, 2013 @ 7:40am 
It's the Steam Happy Day! You can get your free game now with the link below :
Hurry up it's an Exclusive offer for limited time !
Don't forget to say Thanks !
Cheerilee<3 2 Feb, 2013 @ 7:51am 
hey guys i found something interesting for you! if you wanna get a game but don't have money for the game try these sites to participate in free offers (surveys, videos and more...) and get free steam games or steam wallet for the points you earn there. It will take some of your time earning points but the good thing is that you also can refer the sites to others (like i do) and get points for their completed offers. So if you're interested, give it a try and you'll see that it's worth it :)
(...and if you don't trust those sites at the beginning, check them out using a fake-account :P)
i additionally added the link to a steam-game-giveaway website aswell at the very end cause i guess thats the easiest way to get some free games ;)
have fun and good luck! :D

here are the links:
bR3n4 5 Jan, 2013 @ 1:41am 
Я уже взял свои аккаунты!
Успей и ты пока бесплатно!!!
Программа сама брутит и выдает аккаунты. 5 аккаунтов на человека !! Не упусти шанс!
曹丞相 4 Dec, 2012 @ 6:37am 
Hello !!! Invite everyone join to tournament " The Last Samurai " . 1-3 place gets Tota War Rome 2 .
Registartion :
Professional_Nub 7 Nov, 2012 @ 9:36pm 
If anyone is up for a Fall of the Samurai long coop game on very hard, PM me. Should have a form of VOIP(Skype or TS), and be able to play for long periods of time.
Freek 7 Nov, 2012 @ 3:52pm 
does anyone still do total war battles
Nycrotix 20 Oct, 2012 @ 2:28am 
hey im new thought id justtt say whatssssssup
Skips 28 Sep, 2012 @ 3:12am 
i would really like war of the roses so if sombody who has mony sins im ony 14 would get it fore me that would be great
sam.pidgeon 16 Sep, 2012 @ 2:42am 
how do i play this avatar conquest i never done it before
Max 20 Aug, 2012 @ 12:50pm 
If anyone wants to play a shogun campaign online add or message me!
曹丞相 30 Jul, 2012 @ 4:23pm 
If you think : I'm one from the best players Shogun 2 . Welcome to tournament ."Art of War ".
The one who attains the most points for all competition of one tournament receive Rome 2 or Shogun 2 total war .
G.T.E.A. 16 Jul, 2012 @ 8:42am 
hi everyone if you like TOTAL WAR ROME 2 and MULTIPLAYER you should consider reading this

we have OVER 400 followers yet!
Cao Cao 12 Jul, 2012 @ 2:49am 
Kyoto castle ( Nijō Castle 二条城 )what we see in the shogun 2 realy was build just in the 1626 year by Tokugawa shogunate .
Cao Cao 7 Jul, 2012 @ 2:29pm 
Hello everyone !!!If you feel what you one the best Strategist wellcome to The 3rd international tournament Shogun 2 total war head to head campaign "Art of War 孙子兵法".

Oficial language of tournament is english .
Cao Cao 7 Jul, 2012 @ 2:29pm 
Requirements for entry into the tournament :

1.Player have in the past finished a legendary campaign in shogun or Fos single or multiplayer
2. Player have free time and can finish a campaign in 10 days ( each round begin in Friday and finish next week in sanday at 11 59 PM GMT - for 1 match 2 weekend ).If there is a time difference between players they agree find time compromise .
3. Player must be willing to work with the judges to facilitate this process if necessary
4. Player swear to observe the rules of the tournament ,during the match and behave appropriately .
5 .Player have all DLC for Shogun 2 .
6. Player have a medium internet connect or better .

Tournament consists of 2 parts :1 head to head campaign Shogun 2 map ,2 head to head campaign Fall Of Samurai map .

When be finish h2h campaign classic shogun2 map competition begin h2h competition .
Cao Cao 7 Jul, 2012 @ 2:28pm 
Registartion (making in the oficial forum total war -in comments ) :

Model of registration :

Cao Cao
1. Cao Cao ( steam ID )
2. " Art Of The War " tournament , 1 vs 1campaign shogunate map , 1 vs 1 campaign Fall of samurai map ( what compition you choose 1,2 or 1 +2 ).
3. Russia. ( country ) .
4.steam group "Art Of War "( Shogun 2 clan ) email ).
6. QQ : 2257417221 ( QQ number ).
7. Cao Cao (Forum of tournament Nic).

All information about tournament you can find in the forum :

If have questions about tournament or need my help join me to steam friend .My steam ID is :
†Chix 2 Jul, 2012 @ 9:06pm 
Ane one wanna play co-op on legendary difficulty? (i have all dlc)
Wanthony 2 Jul, 2012 @ 9:29am 
Rome 2 annnounced :)
djnero78 22 Jun, 2012 @ 3:23am 
Hi all, i beLIEve im ready for some multiplayer action now, for this or TW:empire. i have no time restrictions to play & am looking for some Vs or co-op in multiplayer campaign, add me if you want to arrange some times for some campaigns.
Rainy day 14 Jun, 2012 @ 4:25pm 
i need a partner!!!!
Jonas 13 Jun, 2012 @ 9:39am 
i want to do a co-op of either normal or fall,
LeviJM 13 Jun, 2012 @ 7:32am 
ANyone up for some co-op i have fall of the samurai and rise as well as the main game, message me if you up for it
Avatar Obi 6 Jun, 2012 @ 11:59am 
1000th member!
Derpy Hooves 6 Jun, 2012 @ 8:12am 
hey guys i found something interesting for you ^^ if you wanna get a game but dont have money for the game try this site to participate in free offers (surveys and more...) and get free steam games for the points :)
dante1287 1 Jun, 2012 @ 1:54am 
whats up guys im finally back, dont really know why i quit playing but i have been VERY active fer the past few weeks..anyone interested in multiplayer campaign or jsut multiplayer matches together fer some team asswhipery jsut add me an ill be down to play whenever.
Pedantic 26 May, 2012 @ 12:14am 
Hello! Just joined. I'm from the US West Coast. Now back to skirmishing.
RichyRichAi 21 May, 2012 @ 1:54pm 
nice to see so many people online for once
Saltpetre 11 May, 2012 @ 2:34pm 
how do i join?
unkind74 8 May, 2012 @ 7:36am 
The 1st Russian clan in TW Via Militera invites you to participate in naval tournament "SEA LORD 2" Shogun 2 FOTS
1 on 1 & 2 on 2
conzy1993 4 May, 2012 @ 3:51pm 
just joined hello every1 :)
Willius Maximus 1 May, 2012 @ 1:07pm 
hiya im new here just joined and im from England :)
Cao Cao 1 May, 2012 @ 10:05am 
Hello everyone !!!Wellcome to the 2nd international tournament Shogun 2 total war head to head campaign "Art of War"

Official language of tournament is english

Requirements for entry into the tournament :

1. Have in the past finished a legendary campaign in shogun or fos single or multiplayer
2. I have free time and I can finish a campaign in 10 days .If there is a time difference between players I can compromise with my opponent on what time s work best for all involved. Also I must be willing to work with the judges to facilitate this process if necessary
3. I swear to observe the rules of the tournament ,during the match and behave appropriately .
4 .I have all DLC for Shogun 2 .
5. I have a medium internet connect or better .
Dread_lunn 1 May, 2012 @ 8:17am 
new to the group just saying hi
SnOoZie 22 Apr, 2012 @ 12:05am 
When will we have a tournament in the new game Fall Of The Samurai