X Universe XUni
X Universe XUni
23 August, 2012
Hyperion 12 Dec, 2013 @ 12:13pm 
Don't forget about Elite: Dangerous, coming in 2014, could be a nice time-waster for the waiting of SC which I am afraid of turning out a bit more arcade than we X players are used to ;). At least I really hope they will make the cockpit filled with functional monitors, add some destruction to make it actually some fun to destroy enemy ships, and don't make it only a space shooter. I know they promise much trading (which I doubt will be better than in X), but so far I couldn't read a word about transport ships or the auto-command system
E1M15xSk 2 Dec, 2013 @ 11:52am 
For anyone having trouble with trading ships wandering off when you give them order to buy or sell, here is my guide. Give it a like if it works for you:teladi:
E1M15xSk 28 Nov, 2013 @ 5:44am 
Hyperion, :D :D I laughed my ass off at the video, and peed myself twice:D :D Yeah, we all thought Rebirth would be a hit but now we know it is a sh*t :D I will pledge for Star citizen, too, just like Mr. Hitler did:D
Hyperion 27 Nov, 2013 @ 7:20am 
This is the most funny video of Rebirth I've seen so far, and probably the most accurate review of the game.
Hyperion 15 Nov, 2013 @ 5:46am 
Remember to share your thoughts about the game, I can see some members playing it even now, wow
Hyperion 15 Nov, 2013 @ 5:45am 
We finally have X Rebirth as an associated game, hopefully it'll bring more people here
E1M15xSk 30 Oct, 2013 @ 10:14am 
Just a small reminder for all of you guys who want to buy cheaper (32€+) Rebirth standard edition Steam keys. check and type Rebirth.
Hyperion 20 Oct, 2013 @ 12:40pm 
Second trailer for X Rebirth released and you can see it here . You can also find the X Universe (Egosoft) YT channel at our group links from now, go see all the awesome videos about Rebirth- they're really worth it and show you a lot from the gameplay!
Hyperion 20 Aug, 2013 @ 1:24am 
Polished the discussions a little bit, remember to put every topic about Rebirth and other games into it's corresponding forum
E1M15xSk 20 Aug, 2013 @ 1:13am 
I think I might just wait till Black friday, last year Egosoft games were ridiculously cheap at that time (like 75 - 85% discounts). But since it is new, my guess for Christmax is -33%.
Hyperion 20 Aug, 2013 @ 1:08am 
I think that X Rebirth is going to be the most expensive thing I'm gonna buy on Steam, since I registered, with the second one being X Superbox in -75%. Any guesses about it's sale value on Christmas?
E1M15xSk 20 Aug, 2013 @ 1:08am 
In Slovakia the preorder price for box edition is 30 - 35 €, just for comparison.
Raziel 20 Aug, 2013 @ 12:25am 
It's basically the same price as the previous ones.
E1M15xSk 19 Aug, 2013 @ 12:22pm 
So the preorder price on steam for Rebirth is 49.99€, now on sale for 45€. Thats quite a lot more than I expected.
E1M15xSk 11 Aug, 2013 @ 2:17am 
System Requirements by Steam:comet:

OS: Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit), Vista SP2 (64-bit), XP SP3 (64-bit)
Processor: Intel i-Series at 2GHz or AMD equivalent
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia GT400 series with 512MB RAM or better, ATI 4870HD with 512MB RAM or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 6 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card
Additional Notes: These specs are still being determined

OS: Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit)
Processor: Intel i5 (Quad) or i7 at 2.5GHz or AMD equivalent
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia GT500 series with 1GB RAM or better, ATI 5870HD with 1GB RAM or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 10 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card
Additional Notes: These specs are still being determined.
E1M15xSk 10 Aug, 2013 @ 2:39am 
Or they could offer special price to Superbox owners. In Slovakia the price is from 32-36 € for box version.

I´m guessing 39€ on Steam
Hyperion 10 Aug, 2013 @ 2:36am 
You can only add it to your wishlist but that's all, there is not even an option to pre-purchase it. Would be nice if Egosoft added it to the X Superbox I already own, so that I wouldn't have to pay again, but I think they won't. Curious about the price!
E1M15xSk 9 Aug, 2013 @ 11:11pm 
not yet
StarSword-C 9 Aug, 2013 @ 4:26pm 
Is there any way to add the X Rebirth Steam website to the associated games list on our sidebar?
Hyperion 9 Aug, 2013 @ 10:54am 
Some news about the new Cosmos documentary added in forums, under Astronomy and space exploration
E1M15xSk 8 Aug, 2013 @ 12:36pm 
X Rebirth will be released for PC in Europe on the 15th of November 2013 and in North America on the 19th of November 2013.

Hyperion 15 Jun, 2013 @ 1:45am 
Well this group is about the whole X Universe as you can see, and since they don't release news so frequently, we can post updates from the other games aswell, same like we'll post interesting news even about astronomy and science.

Jestli chceš jen Rebirth tak na to máš tu svou skupinu, tady jsem přiřadil všechny Xka
E1M15xSk 4 Jun, 2013 @ 11:31am 
But we dont want AP, they can just keep it, put it to rest. It is time for Rebirth now. They should all be working on releasing THE finest next gen space simulator ever.
Hyperion 17 May, 2013 @ 2:53pm 
A newsletter from Egosoft has been released, covering up all recent things about X3:AP, X:Rebirth, and providing some info about their new member which is currently working on porting the X3 games to Linux. Check it out!
E1M15xSk 24 Apr, 2013 @ 6:45am

They say it is a "smaller" capital trade ship. I mean smaller? That thing has the lenght of Terran Ragnarog and even its own gravity well...

And as you notice in the right bottom window - something called Argon Government...then why the trailer said "the supernova changed everything" - should have been postapocalyptic, sort of.
E1M15xSk 16 Apr, 2013 @ 2:01am another dev video from Egosoft, good to know the game is not dead. More amazing thing is, just Egosoft has only 20 people working on their games, so thats why it takes them so long.
E1M15xSk 11 Apr, 2013 @ 4:06am 
E1M15xSk 27 Mar, 2013 @ 1:17pm 
A nedá sa updatovať profil skupiny s postom "Bernd was here", alebo nové nápady pre Rebirth. Alebo tak nejak.
Ďakujem za moderátorské kreslo, dostal som sa sem až teraz, kvôli diplomovke.

As for the others: you might have or have not noticed, that Egosoft has added new dev videos on their youtube profile...the German team is shading the Stars.

As it seems from my point of view, still a looooong way to go. X games have always been the "Winter release" type games. I guess it will be out along with Battlefield 4.

Brace yourselves, "Winter is coming"...

Hyperion 5 Mar, 2013 @ 12:45pm 
People, I will get the forum infrastructure done this weekend probably, and write on a Czech part of Egosoft forum. Let's make this group more living, please share with your friends playing X!
MartingaleLegacy 25 Feb, 2013 @ 4:43am 
If you are flying a fighter, you can dock at it and then use it to jump around. That way your fighter doesn't need to carry jump fuel and carry more missiles. You can also dock any bails you get.
Hyperion 14 Feb, 2013 @ 6:33am 
Thank you for your ideas! I thought that this group is dead because when I wrote something, noone replied. So I am afraid of that if I create a forum, noone is going to use it. I've created a thread for this group on Egosoft forums and got some first members here from it, but now it's lost from the tittle page.

Okay, I will create some basic forum infrastructure then.

Jo a vítám tě v naší skupině, dal jsem ti moderátora kdyby jsi chtěl pomoct :D. Myslel jsem si, že když k nám pozvu Bernda tak se k nám nahrne plno členů. Bohužel tomu tak není, tak to zkusím teda s těmi nápady a Rebirthem... Zkus sem teda taky přitáhnout nějaké lidi pokud to půjde, já zkusím napsat do českého Egosoft fóra protože jsem psal jen do anglického.
E1M15xSk 19 Jan, 2013 @ 11:15am 
Do you know what this forum needs to be able to get anywhere near egosoft forums? It need comments any and many. It doesn´t matter that there are 30+ members. On egosoft forums one guy has made more than 100 000 comments. Just give a topic. Not some "hello" once in a month. People visit live groups not dead ones.

So how about Rebirth ideas. If Bernd joined the forum - probably will never see this I guess.

I was thinking while playing the series about the question of money. It could help the player to have a bank account in a Royal Boron bank for example. If you needed money as a start player you could ask for a loan for your ship or station. If you had a lot of money you could invest them to a bank account for some interest. Good or bad?
Hyperion 22 Nov, 2012 @ 5:19am 
I must share this. A really awesome video from ISS, showing you each of the station's modules and giving you an idea about how do the astronauts live and spend their time on the orbiting station. If you have 25 free minutes and are interested in space, please give it the time!
Hyperion 21 Sep, 2012 @ 2:26am 
This community is too small. I wanted to make some forums for this but it would have no sense when we are only 23. And we grew up by one member in a week. This just leads nowhere without any administration :/. My thread about this group on Egosoft forums is now far from the title page
bubbleman 20 Sep, 2012 @ 2:43am 
i have now 23 ships freighters ,m5s ,m3s my nova personal ship,20 mill credits,just going to set up a few factories and maybe a complex,but it seems very daunting,any tips off any of you guys...wuld be helpful ...cheeers
bubbleman 14 Sep, 2012 @ 1:35am 
hi just acquired a magnetar,whats the best way to use one,as a mini carrier ,or do i use it remotely ,any replies would be good as its just sitting around in space as i like all my ships to be productive...cheers
Hyperion 12 Sep, 2012 @ 8:47am 
We're not growing. We stopped at the 22 members, did everyone invite all your friends who also play X?
Hyperion 9 Sep, 2012 @ 1:54am 
Bernd has joined us!
bubbleman 7 Sep, 2012 @ 7:38am 
in tc you had the nvidium exploit,in ap the stock exchange,but im not touching them ,i have 4 ut and a kestrel exploring at the minute,my own ship is a nova raider,but i cant cap like i used too ,im still early but enjoying it,3 mil in bank maybe a station next ,after a few missions as ive got my raider ready for action,its better grinding out youre own credits as you immerse yourself and every credit is earned....
Hyperion 7 Sep, 2012 @ 7:10am 
I heard it's quite easy to start in Terran Conflict, hey that's a good idea for starting a discussion. Please join it, people! It will appear in general discussions
bubbleman 7 Sep, 2012 @ 4:18am 
hi just joined been playing albion prelude,was an elite fan all them years ago did play tc,immense game just starting out again,forgot how tough it was to start out,hope to make some friends on here and learn about a great game cheers
hottentot113 5 Sep, 2012 @ 7:29am 
Welcome Tobias. Yes, in some things, size is important along with quality. Hopefully this forum have both. :)
FISCHL 5 Sep, 2012 @ 1:53am 
Hey everyone, my name is Tobias and I just found this group. Looking forward to seeing us grow in size :)
Hyperion 2 Sep, 2012 @ 8:37am 
All welcome EGO_Matthias, another employer of Egosoft who joined this group! I like to see you here, I hope this will get us closer to become the biggest (and a little bit more official) X series group on Steam. I think we already are (except The X Universe group), but Terran Conflict group still have way more members
Hyperion 2 Sep, 2012 @ 3:02am 
We're getting bigger almost every day, nice to see that. Don't forget to share this with all your friends who play any X game! I don't know when we're big enough to make a forum, maybe at 50 people I will add some categories and threads to it, so people could talk about technical problems and other things also here
hottentot113 31 Aug, 2012 @ 6:36pm 
A warm welcome to the newest three members, Max1045, Exp1os1v3 and Varlus. Good to see the membership growing. I hope your stay is a long and fruitful one. Best wishes
Max1045 31 Aug, 2012 @ 2:05pm 
I really should have thought to check for this. Glad to know the community extends to steam!
Varlus 28 Aug, 2012 @ 1:48pm 
there's a few of us, but it's small step to get some more and more
Hyperion 27 Aug, 2012 @ 4:44am 
More members? Great! Today I was about to come just to say that we aren't really going anywhere but it looks like it isn't true. Don't forget to advertise and bring all your friends who also play X.

If we want to become the biggest X series Steam group, we must share this as much as possible
Hyperion 25 Aug, 2012 @ 1:34pm 
Bad new. More info in the discussion