Wiimote Heroes Wii PC
Wiimote Heroes Wii PC
14 листопада 2014 р.
A new Project
So i found this group while i was working on my new project. I have an xbox 360 lightgun. its from cabelas dangerous hunts. it fully functions as an xbox360 gamepad. it has dual analogs and all the buttons required so theres that. but i also happened to have a wiimote and decided to spice things up. so now i have the wiimote velcroed to the gun. i found an app call wiimote hook that seems to be doing the trick ok. mouse tracking is done completely by motion from the wiimote. I put one of those mounts they have on cheap selfie sticks and mounted it on the top of the gun to hold my phone. I kinda changed directions a bit though and decided to mount my 10 inch windows tablet on top of the gun so i can just use steam in home streaming to get the games from my computer to the display on the gun. things are kindof getting wacky though and my project is loosing steam. i seem to have everything working... almost. i can load up avp and control everything but the mouse with the lighgun controls through native input. i can walk around shoot and everything and i can use the wiihook program to control the mouse.so then i decided to stream the game to the tablet using steam and presto. it worked. but it needs refinement. like im not sure the best way to control the mouse is the motion controls. anyone have any thoughts? right now i can aim and shoot but my wiimote comes unpaired everytime and i have to repair the wiimote everytime i turn it on. i also need to constantly re-calibrate the wiimotionplus so my mouse doesnt start drifing when its staying still. the games xinput sometimes doesnt work either when streaming and i dont know why. but it was fun looking down the gun at the tablet and being able to rotate 360 degrees and aim but some times i try to lean backwards or step side to side and it kindof breaks the immersion. i think this could turn out to be a good project but maybey im going about it the wrong way. if anyone has any ideas on how it could be better please let me know.
Sorry about the wall of text. im not a writer by any means.
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Показані коментарі 12 із 2
I personally use Glovepie for mouse emulation. It's never desynced for me and works fairly well. The main problem is that it requires scripting, but you could find a good mouse script somewhere around the internet.

Another thing is that I use my Wii U gamepad as a portable sensor bar. This makes aiming a lot more accurate and basically eliminates drifting. The problem with this is that you need to have the wiimote constantly aimed at the sensor else it won't work.
i will consider using maybey a different sensor bar. if i wanna be serious about this i should probly be using some kindof lights to recalibrate constantly like vr headsets do. i dunno. i kindof found it strange to look down the gun. i had the wiimote ducktaped to my mobile vr headset and the gun and neither seemed right so thats why i thought just put the display on the gun. i still have no idea what im doing but its keeping me interested and i guess that was the point.
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