Wargame: Red Dragon - Friendly Wargaming WRD-FW
Wargame: Red Dragon - Friendly Wargaming WRD-FW
6 Aralık 2014
Wargame: Red Dragon - Friendly Wargaming HAKKINDA

Murdering each others armies in the friendliest of ways

Hello chaps, and welcome to the Friendly Wargaming group

This group was formed as a way for people of all skill levels to get together and play in a friendly enviroment, where people don't discriminate against less than optimal W/L ratios, or the fact that you might be new. There are a few rules here meant to ensure that everyone has a good time.

1# Ability to speak and write the English language.

2# No stacking teams in order to gain an advantage.

3# Respect all users (No insulting and respect that not everyone is equally skilled at the game).

4# Play as a team, meaning you communicate with your team, and don't steal from someones FOB without asking permission.

5# No exploiting the Fire-Pos bug versus helicopters.

6# No napalming/bombing the road at the beginning of a match. It's cheap and it can potentially ruin the game for the "victim". If you want to outright attack the starting column with helicopters or the like, feel free to do so. But don't exploit the near instant air attack ability. The same goes for firing MLRS batteries into the enemy spawn at the beginning.

7# No ragequitting.

Follow the rules, and we'll all get along just fine.

I'll regularly be hosting conquest games (60min time limit and 750 VP) as well as the occasional total destruction game (120min time limit and no point limit). Games will usually be 3V3's and 4V4's, and never 10V10's.
Cat C and B games will also make an occasional appearence, and of course, everyone is free to host an event.

Furthermore, I'll also be hosting themed games in which specific might-have-been scenerios take place. These events will feature realistic battlefield formations.

I live in the GMT+1 timezone, and while my constantly changing work schedule doesn't allow me to state a fixed time that I'm availible on, I'm usually availible when I am online on Steam, which is fairly often.

Hope to see you on the battlefield soon.
Landjut Multiplayer Campaign
Landjut vs East German 5th Army and Polish 4th Army
Jawehawk 20 Ara 2014 @ 12:05 
Good news. I just got in contact with my friend who has a TS server, and he agreed that we could use it for communication when playing. However, as the server has a limit to how many people can be on it at any given time, we have to prioritise regular members of the server, over those that I bring. It shouldn't be a problem, but now you know.

I'll send IP and password when relevant. I have to be present when we're using it, so there's no point in posting the info here.
Jawehawk 18 Ara 2014 @ 12:18 
Had our first organised game today, and managed a respectable turnout of 4 people. I've sent friend invites out to everyone in the group, as that is the only way I can invite people to the group chat.

In the future, please keep up to date with the "events" tab for upcomming games.

Thanks a bunch to those who joined today. Was a lot of fun, even more so whe not having to worry about cheese tactics and exploits.
facmanpob 18 Ara 2014 @ 12:18 
Thanks for the game tonight guys... very friendly and a lot of fun, even though my team lost comprehensively! :)
Paul KT (Joseph Fletcher) 17 Ara 2014 @ 13:34 
Hi everyone, Paul O'B put me on to this group, we're RL friends who've been playing Wargame RD since I got it on the last steam sale. Looking forward to getting in some good games with friendly people.

I'm based in New York (I'm from England though) but work from home so I can be reasonably flexible with times.
facmanpob 16 Ara 2014 @ 0:57 
Hi guys, thanks for the invitation. I play regularly with a couple of friends who I think would be interested in some friendly gaming without the "Win at all costs" attitude. Thursday evenings are usually a good time for me to play, between about 1930 and 2200 GMT. Otherwise I'm quite often on later, from about 2300 GMT for an hour or two. Hope to see you in-game.

Cheers, facmanpob
Jawehawk 10 Ara 2014 @ 8:53 
The group might be picking up a little steam.

Hopefully, we can have our first game together the upcomming weekend.
Sohbet odasına gir
6 Aralık 2014