Official Wildfire Community (Public) Wildfire Fan
Official Wildfire Community (Public) Wildfire Fan
게임 중
2010년 12월 7일
Official Wildfire Community (Public) 정보

Welcome all Wildfire Fans and Members.

Just to make this clear, if you have been invited to this
group it does NOT mean you are in the actual clan. If you
are ever interested in becoming an Official Wildfire Clan
member then go to the link “Recruitment” located
towards the bottom of this text.

If you have any requests, advice or
even helpful information you would like to share with
us then please post on this page.


Brand New Wildfire Clan Servers:
(Add these to your favourites)


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Breakfloor 24/7 | Wildfire Clan | EU2 | 24 Slot
IP Address:


Counter-Strike Source

Breakfloor 24/7 | Wildfire Clan | 16 Slot
IP Address:



Wildfire Clan Server
IP Address: Coming Soon


TeamSpeak 3 Public Server
IP Address: (Coming soon)


If any servers are down for a short time then this should be
updated immediately to stop any confusion.


Wildfire Clan
Making gaming personal

Updated: 28/08/2012

Official Wildfire Forums[]
Recruitment - Application Form Details (Currently Closed)[]
Official Youtube Page - View Our Videos and Subscribe :)
인기 토론글
최근 공지
The First CS:GO Breakfloor Server Online!
댓글 18
Eipa 2013년 3월 30일 오전 7시 13분 
Is the Cs-Go server offline? We can't join it...tried it with 3 friends but worked for nobody, but the server seems to be online? ^^
Neyex 2013년 3월 21일 오전 9시 11분 
Steam free Gift conter strike global offensive
Link :
Don't forget to say thanks !
Cheerilee<3 2013년 2월 1일 오전 6시 38분 
hey guys i found something interesting for you! if you wanna get a game but don't have money for the game try these sites to participate in free offers (surveys, videos and more...) and get free steam games or steam wallet for the points you earn there. It will take some of your time earning points but the good thing is that you also can refer the sites to others (like i do) and get points for their completed offers. So if you're interested, give it a try and you'll see that it's worth it :)
(...and if you don't trust those sites at the beginning, check them out using a fake-account :P)
i additionally added the link to a steam-game-giveaway website aswell at the very end cause i guess thats the easiest way to get some free games ;)
have fun and good luck! :D

here are the links:
bR3n4 2013년 1월 5일 오전 1시 28분 
Я уже взял свои аккаунты!
Успей и ты пока бесплатно!!!
Программа сама брутит и выдает аккаунты. 5 аккаунтов на человека !! Не упусти шанс!
LadGamez 2012년 12월 28일 오전 5시 58분 
okay guys we have a member called Delta Force One he is a known begger and scammer on the game TF" can we all write a comment about a noob troller who is begging using ctrl+V lets stop these kids ruining our games.. thanks kindly The_Lad
Mb 2012년 9월 5일 오후 1시 40분 
This is awesome! Need to get myself a copy of CS:GO for sure. Too bad I'm so damn busy with work this year. :(
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2010년 12월 7일