Traders Hall Traders Hall
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Traders Hall Traders Hall
게임 중
2012년 6월 16일
Traders Hall 정보

Welcome come trade in chat or post you offers in the comments

Welcome to Taders Hall, this chat is dedicated to trading games items and other stuff

Information about the group:

Our chat is the safest place to make trades, this is because mods have banned and taken care of those who disobey the chat rules. However, There are still some who have escaped, please remain cautious of them.
Join Chat Post Games Tf2 Items In Chat Get Offers

You can also post your trades by commenting on the group page.

Current Group Staff:
CONAHR (Owner)

follow these rules and you you'll be okay
1: DONT SPAM 3 pic per 3 mins and not spam text to
2: dont ad your group
3: dont start flam wars or wars at all
4:be nice to all traders

인기 토론글
최근 공지
Gmod give away in chat read the announcement for more info
for those of you who play runescape
댓글 92
sobol 2015년 5월 11일 오전 3시 02분 
[ExT]MirecAASVK 2015년 3월 23일 오전 7시 25분 
WTB: The Crew (It could be CD Key for UPlay
H: Games just check my inv :)
RGM - 79 Boomer Type 2014년 6월 19일 오후 1시 36분 
Selling Dead Island: Epidimic and speicalized strange killstreak Pomson 6000 with team shine! ( regular price for the game is about 17$ U.S but I am selling it for only 12.50$ U.S)
-3xA'Lu©κy the disappearing act 2013년 8월 19일 오전 3시 21분 
Trading my "The Attendent" hat (TF2) for 1 TF2 Key. Add me.
Nancy 2013년 7월 18일 오후 12시 17분 
:p2orange:[H] DONT STARVE BOOSTER PACK [W] CARDS :p2orange:
Nancy 2013년 7월 18일 오전 3시 53분 
Free Game Giveaway, Operation Flashppoint Dragon Rising

:steamwings:[H] Summer Sale Cards [W] Saints Row Cards :p2orange::steamwings:
그룹 멤버
이 주의 그룹 플레이어:
게임 중
0 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2012년 6월 16일