God Save The South! Dixie4Life
God Save The South! Dixie4Life
17 July, 2015
United States 
blowup 26 Feb, 2021 @ 4:07am 
This is the funniest thing i've seen all day
Allan White 8 Oct, 2020 @ 11:58pm 
Captain Trump 9 Jul, 2020 @ 2:44am 
TheHistoryMonarch 18 Nov, 2015 @ 4:25pm 
look I may agree with you, but it seems you keep stirring up conflict. If you dont agree then simply leave and do what you say your gonna do.
The Prince of Thebes 17 Nov, 2015 @ 12:53pm 
No sir. I get up and do my job as an American, you just cry about a dead nation!
PolarBeats II 17 Nov, 2015 @ 12:30pm 
If it was the American flag under attack in favor of other flags you would feel the same. You wait, it'll happen soon enough. With the nutbags we choose to run america you will become that poor "ungrateful" bastard crying about 50 stars and 13 stripes.
The Prince of Thebes 17 Nov, 2015 @ 12:11pm 
You are such an ignorant and ungrateful person. Always crying about your flag. Enough with it. Help fix the real problems and stop running from them.
PolarBeats II 17 Nov, 2015 @ 1:01am 
That war was illegal, the men who fought it on both ends were equally as brave as the next. Its the spirit of the Patriot to say that any flag representing their God, family and nation is worth fighting for. Loyalty is a rare thing, and its definetly more rare in our society. My rights are given to me and secured by the US Constitution, the number one thing that our forefathers faught for. And I do say God Bless the modern US army, but just because my nation is occupied by em, doesnt mean I have to cower and lick and spit shine their boots. Whether I like it or not isnt their choice, thats granted to me by the 1st Admendment.. as is my flag, how I feel about it and how I show it. As an American I would expect your ignorance to be withdrawed and remember that the US Constitution applies to everyone, not just those who swaddle themselves in the Stars and Stripes. Because I promise you, if the war went elsewhere you would be in the same possition as I.
The Prince of Thebes 16 Nov, 2015 @ 8:40pm 
Sir, I have tried to remain calm; but I am sick and tired ot this. I do not give a damn if you would die for that flag, go ahead! The way you act is a disgrace. There are men out there today dying for you, and what do you have to say? Not a thank you or God bless you, no, you have decided to spit on the very nation they fight for. The same nation that is currently making sure that you have a damn right to vote, so please if you need to go cry about a flag, do it in a nation that would jail you for holding it!
CrusaderVW 24 Sep, 2015 @ 7:44pm 
Lang leve den Zuid :P
SmugGraves 29 Aug, 2015 @ 7:59pm 
North FOREVER!!!
PolarBeats II 25 Aug, 2015 @ 3:00pm 
I would fight an entire war, for the preservation of one flag. Thats my loyalty to the Confederacy, that I would lay down my life for something as frivolous as a flag of nation that no longer exists.
PolarBeats II 25 Aug, 2015 @ 2:57pm 
“Why doesn’t the Confederacy just fade away? Is it because we are irresistibly fascinated by catastrophic loss? Or is it something else? Is it because the Confederacy is to this day the greatest conservative resistance to federal authority in American history?”
Professor David Blight
Jakel 25 Aug, 2015 @ 2:25pm 
The confederate flag is hostility towards governmental power. It may not be the way you see it, but only a traitor shows such colors.
PolarBeats II 25 Aug, 2015 @ 1:42pm 
I believe that the State has a right to decide. And thats exactly what SC did, even though I disagree with their choice on removal. Their flag used to fly over their capital then on a War Monument that didnt bother anyone till Dyllan ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ decided to shoot up a church. The Media captialized on one set of photos with the Confederate flag and called him a white supremacist ignoring the fact that he had several other pictures with other flags including South Africa and the US flag.. Every Southern Cross that has flown on State/Federal ground has been on or next to a monument. So again I would have to diasgree with you
The Prince of Thebes 25 Aug, 2015 @ 10:38am 
Sir I do not want the destruction of your heroes. I am not of southern blood but I keep a bust of Stonewall Jackson in my bedroom as a reminder of the man I want to be like. I do not hate you, your heritage, or your way of life. The only thing I believe is that no Confederate flag should fly on Federal Grounds. Only 2 flags should fly on state capitols, that of the state and the country.
PolarBeats II 25 Aug, 2015 @ 10:10am 
The problem is that it is not simply the flag that is being attacked.. It is our very culture, our heroes, our heritage and our way of life. Its poltical correctness at its finest, "I dont agree so its wrong." You have people that are advancing only their poltical agenda in removing symbols and advocating the desecration of graves of US deemed veterens who cant defend themselves. The struggles of CS history will always be a subject of debate, but this is pure dishonour. Sherman burned towns, cities and killed hundreds of innocent civilians and is deemed a hero, but General Lee and others are discredited and dishonoured because the side they fought for deemed tollerable the institution of slavery despite their personal beliefs.. its unforgivable
The Prince of Thebes 22 Aug, 2015 @ 8:54pm 
I believe you are. Now you talk greatly about free speach and the ability to vote and decide ect. Yet the people who disaprove of the flag voiced their opinions and were able to get the flag down in a vote. Once again and I stated this many time, I have no problem with the flag and never have.
Д а н к о в с к и й 22 Aug, 2015 @ 8:33pm 
I'm a Good American too...
The Prince of Thebes 22 Aug, 2015 @ 8:33pm 
I am sorry if I offended anyone here, I did not mean or want to anger anyone here.
The Prince of Thebes 22 Aug, 2015 @ 8:32pm 
Ghazi, I respect the flag but the problem remains the flag has been used in hateful ways. I have no problem with the flag as I said, but it should never be on federal grounds. It should be in museums, memorials, gravesites,ect. I know the US military has used the flag and I have no problem with them using it, the problem is when I see large groups of men dressed in all white flying the flag as their own. The flag is not a bad or dishonorable, but it offends so many good Americans in this country. Look once again I am going to state I have no problem with the flag because I know what is was meant to be, in my eyes it symbolizes the brave men who fought for the South, it reminds me of some of the greatest American generals of all time, and most of all I see the Christian meaning. It is sad that all do not see it how I do, but just because I see it in a certain way does not mean it should be kept up or a reason to seceede.
PolarBeats II 22 Aug, 2015 @ 8:19pm 
Your sources you post dont seem very legitimate at times <3
Д а н к о в с к и й 6 Aug, 2015 @ 12:43am 
@Emperor Alfonso Durante

No it's not the flag, it's states rights. Don't give me that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about what we do and don't believe in, to us this is the same as the issue of Slavery, we want to decide for OURSELVES not others decide for us.And the KKK has not "adopted the confederate flag" anymore thant the U.S. Military has, some southern branches of the KKK use the Confederate flag however it is not standard. In the U.S. Military many units use the Confederate Flag, does that make the U.S. Military a racist institution?
Washington 5 Aug, 2015 @ 5:22am 
The Prince of Thebes 3 Aug, 2015 @ 1:25am 
And why are you seceding? Is it the flag? Do not give me the stuff about states rights. I have respect for the confederacy. Not for those of you who think secession today is smart. You can give me the stuff about they do not respect you and all that, but you are wrong. We respect you, the problem is the flag was taken by the kkk and used in terrible ways. Sorry I personally have no problem with the flag, but it has too much of a stain to was away the past. It was a glorious battle flag and has gone bad. Sorry guys.
Scots 27 Jul, 2015 @ 11:05pm 
Peaceful secession would be very difficult in this time. I know it will cause no damage, but it's unconstitutional as they say, and the government wouldn't let it free easily. But the senate and house are mainly republicans and most likely wouldn't give two ♥♥♥♥♥ if they left.
CrusaderVW 27 Jul, 2015 @ 5:27pm 
A peacefully secession isn't likely as the Supreme Court deemed secession to be unconstitutional
TheHistoryMonarch 26 Jul, 2015 @ 8:53pm 
this is honestly the smartest thing i read about this whole situation. actual good points
Amarcus | Stuart 23 Jul, 2015 @ 11:19pm 
And further more. The ONLY WAY secession would damage the western world for Putin, China, DPRK & All of the West's Enemies to dominate the world is IF USA invades CSA and all of the west ties itself down with a 2nd US-Civil War. And as I stated below this isn't 1861 anymore. So a lot of countries would back CSA as they do NOT Have a favourable opinion towards the United States as they did before. And CSA would have a easy time seeking allies and trading partners if USA decided to enforce order upon the Southern states.
Amarcus | Stuart 23 Jul, 2015 @ 11:17pm 
Listen up, this is NOT 1861 Anymore. Southern Independence would BARELY change anything. As USA still is the core member of NATO, A important piece of the UN and so forth. If the South gained Independence by Peace, then USA would only be SET back a couple days to arrange handing over all Federal / State Property in the newly free Confederate States of America meaning handing over all Military Bases, Factories and so forth. USA would obviously make CSA pitch in on it's debt with China. So with a free CSA, with its own liberty and currency the CSA would be able to HELP USA get out of debt a lot easier later on and plus eliminate all debts related to the Southern States. But at first it'll take a lot of high payments and build up Economiclly, Industerially and Militarily. This is modern day and a Independent Dixie would not do much damage as it would do good.
Д а н к о в с к и й 23 Jul, 2015 @ 7:57pm 
Secession would be a lot less painful than full economic collapse.
141 Paladin 23 Jul, 2015 @ 7:53pm 
Which Unfortunatly thy do alot
141 Paladin 23 Jul, 2015 @ 7:52pm 
And as for gay marraige and crap like that, I believe they should be able to do what they want as long as they dont bother people about not liking them.
141 Paladin 23 Jul, 2015 @ 7:50pm 
Um I would like to Object to this stuff. I am all for state rights and remembering history, but some people take it too far. secceding is not god for anyone but radicals. It makes the United states and whatever state is secceding weaker economically and Militarily. its true liberals often smash on Southern ideas, but liberals arent as common as people think. the voting group of liberals is around 17% of the Population, but around 30% are conservative (Me being one of them) and even as a right winger I think this is pretty stupid. Good day Ladies and gentlemen
Д а н к о в с к и й 23 Jul, 2015 @ 2:14pm 
We don't care about Gay Marriage and Transgender people, we want to be Free.
TheHistoryMonarch 23 Jul, 2015 @ 10:16am 
if you didnt want to seced why are you still here? you can leave anytime, or did you stay jsut to tell us that?
The Prince of Thebes 22 Jul, 2015 @ 8:58pm 
For those of you who want to seced, please take your efforts away from that and help fix the nation you are in. When you consider yourself in a mess fix it don't leave it and start agian keep trying.
The Prince of Thebes 22 Jul, 2015 @ 8:52pm 
Look guys, I don't like transgenders. I do not like the idea of gay marriage, but I do not believe we should get the right to tell people who they can and can not marry. I don't like the idea of being gay it kinda makes me sad, but we voted and it is done. It is not like we can change it.
Д а н к о в с к и й 22 Jul, 2015 @ 6:48pm 
Centralized Governments will never be free.
target supplyrun 22 Jul, 2015 @ 4:32pm 
The smallest minority is the individual if you don’t stand for his voting rights you don’t stand for anyone! The NINE people of the supreme court shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions for the whole nation! This allows the federal government to centralize power giving no one equality!

Gay marriage is unconstitutional against the 9th and 10th amendment. The supreme court pushing something so undemocratic unbalances the powers of government and is a defeat to democracy and constitutional, just American thought. Remember the Bible folks!
The Prince of Thebes 21 Jul, 2015 @ 10:28pm 
why are u making a new group?
plus we dont need to secede
you can try but its not worth it
Amarcus | Stuart 19 Jul, 2015 @ 2:35am 
And with that insulting comment I am going to ban you from further commenting. I wish you a good day sir!
Thomas Michael 123 19 Jul, 2015 @ 2:32am 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, yopu got them heebs hidin over ther in the pyramids pullin all your strings like a weak little puppet
Amarcus | Stuart 19 Jul, 2015 @ 2:29am 
I am not racist nor am I Anti-Homosexual, son if you met me in real life you'll find me that southern sterotypical farming Country-Boy who lives and farms all damned day, ''Good Ol' Boy'' basically sterotypically. But Your racist comments are not welcomed here nor do I have a ''♥♥♥♥ media mafia'' behind me.
Amarcus | Stuart 19 Jul, 2015 @ 2:02am 
Д а н к о в с к и й 18 Jul, 2015 @ 8:32pm 
Uhh, what do ya'll think of ths? {LINK REMOVED}
Amarcus | Stuart 18 Jul, 2015 @ 3:03pm 
Becareful on some of the articles you read now though, Articles can be forged just as much as a book or a movie could.
Д а н к о в с к и й 18 Jul, 2015 @ 3:00pm

That's the best I could find. The thing about the civil war, is that it wasn't about owning slaves or not, it was about who gets to decide. The current Central Government said a person in New York could decide whether a man in South Carolina could own a slave, and for the South it was their entire economy. It wasn't about slavery, it was about who gets to decide.
Amarcus | Stuart 18 Jul, 2015 @ 2:53pm 
I also plan to head up to Richmond myself as well.