ThatGModZServer ThatGModZ
ThatGModZServer ThatGModZ
31 July, 2016
The m16acog has a glitch where when you switch it to automatic sometimes it will only be shooting semi automatic and appear as if you are shooting automatic. If your looking through the scope you will never notice but if your watching your ammo you will notice its shooting one by one. The only way ive found to fix the glitch is to re-equip the weapon, Im not sure if youve been notified of the glitch yet or not but I figured i might as well say something.
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Daddy 2 Aug, 2016 @ 12:44pm 
To me it's a rare occurence that happens, if you find how to actually do it then I could look into doing a fix, but I have never figured out what causes it.
Dogmai Ikol 2 Aug, 2016 @ 3:46pm 
I just thought i should let you know about it. Im not sure how to get it to happen exactly, but A way to fix it either way would be making the m16 naturally be on automatic. Well I assume that would fix it, but its just a suggestion. I just wanna help
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Date Posted: 2 Aug, 2016 @ 7:41am
Posts: 2

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