Terrus ARK: Survival Evolved Terrus ARK
Terrus ARK: Survival Evolved Terrus ARK
25 grudnia 2015
Wszystkie ogłoszenia > Szczegóły ogłoszenia

Important announcement regarding the Terrus ARK network

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Komentarzy: 5
Kingking10 24 marca 2016 o 16:53 
Damn :/
Sad to here this. I have many memories, good and bad, from this server, including when all my dinos died to a random Giga from the North Mountain.

Damn North Mountain-dwelling Gigas.

The admin team was great. The server was great. I don't think I'll be able to find another server quite like this one.

As from William Shakespeares The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
"Now cracks a noble heart. Goodnight, sweet prince;
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."
Aussiblood 24 marca 2016 o 4:29 
Eldaas and crew. Gutted by the decision but it is understandable. I came to Terrus because it was so well presented and you and your team have been so very professional and have looked after members so well - making the idea of not having you around really hard to take.
It has been a blast and I wish you well.
PS. I hope ARK pulls a finger out and takes non SotF ARK to the top-level... so Terrus comes back from the dead!
geoff 24 marca 2016 o 3:24 
Thanks for the good times, spent hundreds of hours on your Ark, best admin team I've found on an Ark. Bummer about the money, but totally understand it's not worth it unless you're getting a personal reward from that kind of ongoing expense.
xMobilemux 24 marca 2016 o 2:26 
Also I'll add that NO, I haven't heard about the Ark devs abandoning Ark in favor of SOTF, where is it said?
xMobilemux 24 marca 2016 o 2:20 
You're kidding me? That's a massive piss off. After all the work I put into the game and your server. No wonder the devs are being sued.