13 August, 2016
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Punisher7106 13 Sep, 2016 @ 7:31pm
SERVER RULES(updated as of 4/10/17)
- - - - - The Teamwork & Tactics Server Rules are as Follows - - - - -
The rules here on Teamwork & Tactics are always evolving so that you, our players, and our entire community, can enjoy the best gaming experience possible. We have monthly server meetings where we invite all of you to come take part, with the objective of discussing changes to the rules and improvements we can make to keep things running efficiently. We are always open to new suggestions and ideas to improve, so we would love to hear your feedback.

Every Kill on Sight report that comes in is different, which requires us to use our best judgement on how the incident should be handled. Usually the 1st time is a warning, so long as you stay online after the KoS report and add us on steam so that we may communicate with both sides and discuss the situation. If however, the player who had the KOS report filed against them leaves the server and refuses to discuss the given situation, they will be banned. A “dodge and log” after a KOS is not tolerated. If you have any questions feel free to message XI57, or KentuckyPete.

- - - - - Administrator Impersonation - - - - -
The impersonation of an administrator is STRICTLY against the rules, and the person doing so will be swiftly banned from the server. There are 2 Administrators; XI57, and KentuckyPete.

If ANYONE for ANY reason contacts you in game claiming to have the authority of Administrator, you, as the player have the full right to require them to type within the in-game Area chat their Admin ID#. XI57's ID# is 1, in the format “Admin ID# 1”, and the Admin ID# for KentuckyPete is, “Admin ID# 2”.

This procedure is for logging purposes, so that if you report suspiscious behavior to us, we may easily identify the players SteamID and ban them accordingly. IF FOR ANY REASON the player in game refuses to type the Admin ID# into the area chat to confirm their identity and log their presence in the global chat data logs, you, the player, have FULL AUTHORITY to kill said player. If a player claims to be Administrator requesting you to act in a un-sportsman-like manner, you should request they type their Admin ID# into the in-game area chat box, and then please contact us.

Examples of un-sportsman-like conduct would be the perpetrator saying, “Give me all of your gear, I am an Admin”, “Leave me alone and don't mess with me, I'm an Admin”, or “If you attempt to kill me I will ban you”. Administrators will NEVER make claims such as these, and if at any time you encounter this situation, please contact us as soon as possible. We take these situations very seriously, and all Steam profiles found guilty of such an offense are forwarded to the Miscreated Development team.

- - - - - Base Rules - - - - -
Bases are PVP zones, and if you get shot at a base regardless of who owns it, it’s a fair kill. It doesn’t matter if they own the base or not, all bases are PVP zones. For example, if two separate groups converge on a base to raid it and neither group owns said base, the base is a PVP zone, and the victorious group in the ensuing firefight will win the right to raid the base. What defines a “base”, is a defensible position made up of various structure pieces arranged in any particular fashion designed in a way to either, 1) enclose a single area, or 2) bottleneck another player’s ingress/egress into or out of a particular area. You CANNOT KILL SOMEONE when they are base building up until the point when the base has become a “defensible position”. You can however, attempt to rob them.

- - - - - Kill on Sight Rules - - - - -
For a kill to be justified, some form of two way communication, RolePlay, robbery, or trading must take place between players. For instance, you have to say “This is a robbery”, and carry out the Roleplay and verbally state your intentions; If taking on the role of a bandit, YOU MUST GIVE A COMMAND to the other player.

--The command must be over the in-game VOIP. Text chat messages within the Area chat are not sufficient for roleplay or banditry. You must verbally communicate with a microphone if attempting to give another player a command. In addition, the in-game Megaphone item is not allowed for giving commands, and is not a sufficient means of communication for banditry. Standard in-game VOIP must be used.--

If they do not comply, you may proceed to kill them. However, IF THEY FULLY COMPLY, then proceed to rob them, and ultimately do your best to let them go free. An example of a command is, "Freeze, Hands up, Don't move", or "Get out of the vehicle and put your hands up, Do not try to run". Following the command, give the victims roughly 10 seconds to comply. If they disobey the command given and do not comply, you may take lethal action. You should SHOUT your command over open in-game voice chat multiple times to make sure your intended target can understand and hear the command. Repeating the command 3-4 times is recommended.

If you set up a trap, the communicating group member must ultimately give a command so the victim knows they have been baited or lured. The hidden shooter does not have to communicate before shooting, but the group member who is talking has to give some kind of command beforehand.

If you are being robbed and you are with a group, one of your group members can attempt to overtake the robbers, and shoot the bandits without saying anything, as you are protecting each other. It’s the risk the bandit takes when attempting to rob someone. In addition to this, if a third party attempts to play the role of Hero and liberate a victim of robbery, it must be clear that the victim is being robbed through evident visual cues, such as the victim being ducktaped or having their hands up for longer than 10 seconds. A third party in this case may liberate the victim using lethal action without communicating as long as it is clear that they are being robbed.

If you are found guilty of KOS by the Administrators, you will be required to return all items taken from the victim and you will be added to the Warning List. If you refuse to return the items to the victim, you will be permanently banned from the server. If a player is added to the Warning List and is found guilty of KOS at a later date for a second time, they will be permanently banned from the server.

- - - - - Intent-to-Kill - - - - -
There are two ways you can present yourself when interacting with another survivor or group; Friendly, or Hostile. A friendly survivor will have their weapon holstered, or in a resting position (un-tabbed/pointed towards the ground). A player is considered hostile, with Intent-to-Kill, if their weapon is drawn and ready to fire (tabbed/pointed in a firing position). A player may be considered hostile, and be killed without warning or verbal command, if they present themselves in a hostile manner as described above. Such a death is not a Kill on Sight, and if you would like to avoid such a scenario, you should present yourself as a friendly survivor in the manner defined.

Stipulations: Accidental discharges or firing at mutants are not sufficient reasons to interpret another player as hostile and kill them. You may of course defend yourself if you or any of your group members take damage from another player. But they must show Intent to Kill for them to be considered hostile. As said before, accidental discharges or gunfire towards mutants are not sufficient reasons to interpret another player as hostile and kill them.

- - - - - Active Engagement Zones - - - - -
If a PVP shootout occurs, whether it was justified through roleplay or the result of an illegal KOS, the entire surrounding area becomes an active engagement zone upon the first player death. If a player death occurs due to another player's actions, the entire surrounding area becomes an active engagement zone until the last remaining dead body has de-spawned from the area.

Example: If there is a player’s body on the ground within the confines of the airfield, the entire airfield becomes a PVP zone until the last remaining body has de-spawned.

If a firefight is happening and you are not a part of it, you should stay out of the area and you should not run towards the gunfire. If you run towards the firefight it is fair for you to be killed, and it is not a KOS. The people in the fire fight will not know if you are part of the group they are fighting, or not.

However, if a firefight is occurring in an area, and you want to participate you may do so. If you enter an area and see a player looting a corpse, you should assume that the area is a PVP zone where a recent firefight has taken place, and that you, or any of your group members, may be killed on sight. Equally, you may take lethal action against a player who is looting a corpse, as well as anyone in the immediate area. After testing, player bodies have shown to take as quickly as 10 minutes and up to as long as 20 minutes to de-spawn. As stated, the firefight is considered “over”, after the last remaining dead body has de-spawned from the area in which case the No KOS Rules recommence.

- - - - - Respecting Others (Harassment/slander) - - - - -
Insults, threats, racism, or sexism outside of what's expected in normal RolePlay, is not tolerated. We're here to play a game and have fun.

- - - - - Disclaimer - - - - -
When faced with situations that have not yet been previously encountered, and/or situations that have not been specifically addressed by the published server rules herein, we the Administrators reserve the right to handle said situations on a case by case basis as we see fit, and are the sole and final authority on determining what is and what is not considered KOS.

- - - - - Lastly - - - - -
Our best tip is to stay off the roads, and move fast if you’re alone or in a small group. We would like more Role Play on the server, and encourage you to get out there and meet new players! Remember, as it is painted and written upon the walls of the now empty homes and buildings scattered across the apocalyptic wasteland known as Orca Island;
“Survive together, or die alone”.

If you have more inquiries or scenarios, contact us, and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. We appreciate your ideas and suggestions!
Last edited by XI57; 10 Apr, 2017 @ 2:18pm
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XI57 18 Feb, 2017 @ 11:15pm 
XI57 18 Feb, 2017 @ 11:15pm 
XI57 18 Feb, 2017 @ 11:15pm 
XI57 18 Feb, 2017 @ 11:15pm 
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All Discussions > Server Info > Topic Details