The Tales Of Old TalesOfOld
The Tales Of Old TalesOfOld
10 May, 2014
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A sad tale of the End of Europe By TheFlyingScotsman01
A sad tale of the End of Europe
By TheFlyingScotsman01
Hello. I am TheFlyingScotsman01. I am going to share with you today the story of how all of the nations of Europe fell into a cataclysmic abyss and were wiped out. It all began when the United Kingdom liberated the United Netherlands...

Britain had liberated the Dutch in 1806. After five years of peace, Britain noticed Russia massing her troops near the Dutch border in former Oldenburg. Accusations flew, and trade embargoes were enforced between all of the major powers. France at this time was exiled to Corisca, Spain to the Balearic Isles, and Prussia and the Ottoman Empire had been completely destroyed. Anyhow, Russia became hostile to Britain. Austria joined Russia's side. Spain joined Britain's side. Soon, in January, 1812, Britain declared war on Russia. Austria joined Russia. Romania and Greece did too. Sweden, Spain, Portugal, and the United Netherlands joined Britain. All of the nations were at best the pawns and at worst the chessboard. Not long after the declaration of war, Russian troops swarmed over the Dutch border, smashing the Dutch army at Gronigen Farmland and marching on Amsterdam. Britain sold to the Dutch the island of Sardinia to ensure their survival. Soon, Amsterdam was looted and ransacked and the Dutch had been reduced to a nobody country. Amsterdam was the first great city to fall. Meanwhile, a British offensive from Little Tartary cut through Russia, reducing Galicia, Belarus, Lithuania, and Moldova to wastelands. Minsk was occupied and used as a British base of operations. Light dragoon raiding parties were sent out through the Russian countryside, terrorizing the populace. British fortune would not last long, however. Russia attacked into British-controlled Spain and besieged Madrid. The British burned Madrid to the ground to prevent the Russians from inheriting anything useful. Madrid was the second great city to fall. Just after the Russians occupied Madrid, the population of the city rebelled and gave it back to Spain. In Switzerland, an Austrian ambush killed British general Rowland Hill and demoralized the British army. However, the British swept through Croatia and Hungary, and then marched on Vienna. The Austrians razed Vienna to make the city worthless to the British. When the British captured it, they ransacked what was left of it, stealing over $77,000. A Romanian army then marched on Budapest, so the British burned that city to the ground, too. Vienna and Budapest were now gone. Meanwhile, the economy of Europe was crumbling. Trade values plummeted, and many minor nations went from being rich to destitute. The powerful countries' economies were collapsing, too. Britain lost $1,000 every turn. For Russia and Austria, it was even worse. These factors led to the Austrian declaration of war on Russia in April, 1812. This opened up a new myriad of oppurtunities for the British. Innsbruck was captured from the Austrians, but as revenge, the Austrians marched for Paris, the largest city in Europe. The British, panicking, evacuated the populace and burned the city to the ground. When the Austrians besieged the now ash-filled city, the British razed all of the other valuable villages and towns in France, burned the books at the schools, sunk ships at the entrance to French ports, and did whatever else they could to prevent the Austrians from inheriting anything really useful. The devestation of France sealed the fate of Europe. With the most populated city now a smoking ruin, and the rest of Europe entangled in a deadly war, many minor nations completely degenerated into savage civil wars. British armies in Russia finally broke through the walls of Moscow. The city was shown no mercy, the Kremlin Armory was broken into and its contents stolen, and the Supreme Court was razed. Russia finally buckled and the revolution failed. Another revolution succeeded, but the Russian territories had all become rebel territories, and the British crushed the leaderless remnants of the Russian armies. With Russia gone, Austria surrendered in November, 1812. Britain was victorious, but it was a short-lived victory. She had lost her best generals during the war, and the economy was ruined. Discontent grew in London. With the other nations embroiled in civil wars, radicals in London started a revolution. The initial attack on the King failed, and soon, a brutal civil war was rocking the British Isles. The other territories, one by one, rebelled, and the British Isles became a burning no-man's land. With Paris, Madrid, Vienna, Moscow, Amsterdam, and now London destroyed, the rest of Europe collapsed into anarchy. Smaller wars raged across Europe into 1813, but the civilized nations were eradicated. All because of the Dutch. Damn Dutch.
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