The Tales Of Old TalesOfOld
The Tales Of Old TalesOfOld
Creat la
10 mai 2014
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Essays on a Russian-French Muiltiplayer game By Sigismund the Southerner and 1 collaborators
In this story, told from the side point of Russia, I will be describing the interesting Franco-Russian alliance, the betrayed France, the era of rebellion and the great compermise. In the 2nd part, France (aka Dylan) will be descibing the game from his point of view. We hope you find this story most entertaining and exciting!

A promising start (1836-1850)
The game starts with a good tone. I am Russia, my freind Dylan(AKA Your God, Victim of Peace) is France. At the start of the game France, interestingly enough, decides to interveen in the Ottoman Restoration in Tripoli and and manages to have Tripoli survive another day. I started influencing Machuia and do the dumb mistake of enacting the Piking Convention. Failure was the result, but I still got cores on the land. (I think I made mother russia mad...)
A rehosting stragity by Dylan

France goes on and attacks the Egyptain Sultanate for the most prized Suez region, while I medeled and attacked the central asian state of Kokand. Up will 1850, I managed to get most of the central asian minors such as Kokand and Bukkerha. France then decides that they needed Panama too so that they can make the Panama cannal. I was cool with that this time.

Then, a crisis broke out around 1850, and everything changed...
When In Need, One Recognizes One's True Friends. (1850-1851)
The Russian Empire would never be the same, nor would it ever recover from the event that happened.

In 1850, a crisis broke out in Wielkopolska and the world watch and waited. The North German Federation and Austria, out of shock, decided to back the side to have a independent Polish state. France also decided to back Poland, which was a major shock to the Russian people. Finaly, only Bavaria, a small South German state supported Russia. Out of all this, Poland was born. A blow that Russia would never recover fully.

I don;t have a pic of it when it came about, but here's another picture to give you a idea of how big Poland came to be,
Cold War (1851-1887)
The moment Poland came into being, France seemed to take atvantage of it. For the next 20 years, I and the French menece were engaged in a Cold War, yet still being allies for a bit.

The 1st few years, we had a sort of Great Game in Central Asia. I managed to finaly annexed all the central asian uncivs, but France managed to snag what Bukkarha has left of Tajkistan. Also, France decided to take a peice of PErsia and annex Afghanistan, thus cutting off Russian acces to the Persian Gulf. We sill worked together in some parts. including beating up the UK. During a crisis, France backed me up to take a peice of Greece for Greece. Thus, a war with the UK would result. After alot of battles, blackades and powerplays, the war was over, and Quebec was born! (although as you will see, Quebec would only exist for a time...)In the meantime, the race for Africa began! France made it very clear that Russia would not get any part of the African cake, so I had to look elsewhere. I colonized all the Northern regions, mnaged to cololize the rest of Alaska (I refused to do the Alaskan purchase) and even got into Yukon!
Ah, what a colony!

Meanwhile, Finish folk decided Canada was a good place to settle...
Once again, another war enraged with the United Kingdom. This time, over a colonial holding with France being the agressor. France at this point, having a massive millitary, industrial, and prestigeouse score, did not care about infamy anymore, so he was acting as if the world was his cake to eat.
When I was called into the war, aperently it was a good time to free Serfs.

At one point, France experienced a massive anarcho-liberal rebellion that engulfed the entire countryside of France.Finaly, the war ended. the UK was weakened even more, and Iraq was freed by the French. I, by then, decided to take action in the world by annexing Nejd. France did not take it too kindly when the Nejd was forced into the Russian Empire.French colonial holdings in India
France just finished one finaly war with the UK, one that would forever weaken the British crown. Then, everything changed for Russia...the!

The Era of never-ending containment (1887-1918)
In 1887, Anarcho-Liberals enforced their demands in the Russian Empire! I had not pained attention to the infamy level, and I thought my alliance with the French would protect me. But he did not want a alliance...and thus, the nations of Europe stricked! 1st it was the Dutch who wanted to contain the Russian bear, by now reduced to a state of dissaray. With few forces in the area, I was forced to accept their demands. Then the hordes came in. 1st Sweden to liberate Finland, then Poland, Germany, Ottoman Empire and even Denmark! But worse of all, France declared war on me! They intended to kick me out of Arabia and my newly aquired land of Iraq. I was forced to release all the listed states and free them as part of a shameful ultimatium. I could not free them from puppet-form, but they were freed anyways due to a Communist revolution. Aperently, Stalin wanted revolution now.Not so great Soviet Union!
For the next 3 decades, the newly made Soviet Union was engulfed in conatiment wars every 7 years, rebellion poping up like popcorn and French expansion across the world.
Quebec got annexed by France, restoring the colony of New France and the UK finaly experienced a revolution. Canada, now freed, wared the Soviet Union and got back Yukon, much to the joy of France and the dissapointment of myself.

The one good thing that happened.

Ireland was freed by the United States.
A Russia reborn! (1918-1928)
Finaly, after years of containment, my infamy level lowed to a more acceptable level and the containment ended. The Soviet Union had missed alot of things going on around the world, including expansion. At the last minute before the containment began, Russia had managed to get the prized Jahore region. That colony was all that remained of Russia's overseas territory (apart from a few pacific islands). The long procces of rebuilding the army and the navy begain...

Then, out of the blue, revolution struck once again! Lavtia got freed during the Soviet years and was annexed to France, much to the anoyance of myself. I was finaly faced with a offer: France will reform the Franco-French alliance if Russia gives up Jahore and Estovia. It was a offer I could of refused, but with France the most powerful nation there war, I had to accept.
A stable Russian Presidental Dictatorship!

Reactionaries finaly overthrew the Soviet government, but the communist would return another day...I deicded to finaly start my 1st war taking back my core in Mongolia, who by now westernized but managed not to be engulfed into a large China. A crisis soon began over the liberation of Sorthern Serbia in the Ottoman Empire in which Russia would back Serbia up. A world War would ensure...
The 2nd World War(1927-1928)
The 2nd War World broke out on the year of 1928 over the liberation of Soutern Serbia.
The war fronts
It was Russia, France and serbia vs the UK, the Ottoman Empire, Poland, Sweden and several other states. France played a major role in the war with their massive millitary. With a single fleet in the Channal, they prevented a British invasion of Northern France. All I did was blockade alot of ports in the Black Sea and the Med. Sea Besides that, Russia was overunned by German, Turkish, and Polish troops in the west, but managed to build up a small army in the far eastern regions. A few naval battles won by Russia was the most that was offered.
France on the other had had by now occupied all of Italy and Germany completely and had the UK on a choke-hold. Finaly, the war ended after about a year of fighting.I got Georgia back, and France got bigger

A era of peace would engulf Russia for the remaining 7 years...
A taste of Voldka (1928-1936)
The rest of the 8 year were spent increasing industrial capacity, influenceing new nations and getting back a core region.

I told you the Communist would be back...

I got my cores back in Mongolia, but I never managed to fully recover Finland and Outer Machuria, but nevertheless, I got to take Eastern Prussia from the defeated Germany.

Kaliningrad Oblast+Memel

So that ends the game from the point of view of The Russian Empire/Russia/Soviet Union. I'll let Dylan/France take it from here (his point of veiw)
It is better to be told, "He ran" than, "Here he lies".(1850-1851)
'Twas a very, very state of affairs which I, the eternal embodiment of France would have to deal with. A world crisis had aroused from the very depths of Hades -- an independent Poland!

Those willing to help Russia were few. Quite understandable after considering that the vexatious Russian administration was as incompetent as their military technologies. Nonetheless, I was bond by treaty to my ally... Though, I had no intentions of being allies with death. Thus, I joined the coalition for a free Poland (Ottomans, UK, The Northern German Federation, Spain and Austria).

I would not allow, nor should have anyone for that matter have allowed their nation to decay into state of occupation followed by anarchy, and then by -- Anarcho Liberal scum!

The French navy would have lost against that of the UK. And three front war whilst being outnumbered wouldn't have been win able at this state. Thus Poland was born.
Give The Devil His Due. (1851-1870)
The Polish predicament left the Russian state weary of the, "Alliance" treaty which she had with France. Nevertheless, France would soon show her true colors of being a fidèle ally. Soon, another Crisis appeared. This time it was in the Balkans. The little Greeks were no longer able to contain their lust for what they saw as rightfully theirs.

Russia, desiring some stage light decide to back the Greeks up. France, now being in a better situation then it was by the last major crisis honored her request to join the Russians.

The odds looked rather gloomy for us. All the nations which mattered, were against. No matter! The might of France will win the day! And aye, it did. However, it dawned on me, "H'what would France gain from this war which has been spilt with French blood?" France couldn't add any war goals -- so, what was she to obtain? Soon enough I demanded that Iraq be freed, and Sigmund complied at the expanse of the Greek claims cores of course ... Aha... hahaha.. ha. *Sips brandy* Quite.

These years also saw the rapid expansion of French Imperialism and the rise of the Confederate States of 'Merica. Though, they were soon annexed a few years after in an attempt of an offensive war with the Union. This time, France would not be able to help them out.
Good swimmers are often drowned -- Cold War Heats Up (1870-1887)
After many years of staying in the side lines, Russia now decide to take a spot light in colonialism. Part of the agreement made at the end of the Greek Crisis was that Russia was to remain out of Africa. Alas, the Noob Tsar wanted to test his luck by attacking Egypt. I would NOT stand for this. I gave him a moments time to back down, which he didn't. Thus I joined Egypt in the war which resulted in a Status Quo coming into effect.

Though, these were not the end of Sigmund's dreams for colonial lands. He had annexed Nejd! He was stepping onto the French turf of the Mi- East (Heinz, Yemen, Oman, Abu Dhabi.) without French permission, and against her interest. To make matters worse. Russia had annexed Iraq, an SOI of France, and a gift for her support in the Greek crisis. 'Twas the last straw. An example had to be made and just my luck as well. A few weeks before I was ready to attack, revolution struck. Russia gave up all of her land in the Mid-East and plans for colonialism for a long time.

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