StarScreamPie is a Fake! SSPIAF
StarScreamPie is a Fake! SSPIAF
12 March, 2014
D€ÂƚΉ♤₵ђ€₳ƚ 30 Sep, 2024 @ 3:17pm 
What happened to Mali Venom?:rcry:
Chibiscus 27 Mar, 2016 @ 4:29am 
:rosebud: Happy Easter :rosebud:
Alabama Hogsucker 6 Oct, 2015 @ 6:59pm 
ayyy i had a suspicion.
76561198154854401 19 Nov, 2014 @ 6:47am 
Ikr... and Envy me changed her avie again and people are like Wow Envy me you are so pretty. Yea awesome stolen picture from the internet. keep telling the world its you you crazy ♥♥♥♥♥
Think Different. 7 Nov, 2014 @ 1:18am 
There is nothing wrong with your life choice, if it's what you want to do, do it. Other than the fact I wanted to ask you a few questions since I'm interested in human behaiviour and yet to meet someone who's made such a choice, that was all I wanted to say to you back then. And yes, this does seem like a ruse to get people to change their veiws on you, though my word to you is if you really care that much, why do you do it? Please, responde, I only have questions to ask.
Think Different. 7 Nov, 2014 @ 1:18am 
You do realise that envy me is indeed Mali venom, or atleast I think so anyway. I found out a year or so ago that this mali venom was not infact a "porn star" but a webcam model. After I informed someone of this Mali Venom on Steam it seemed to started a chain of events which ended up with someone creating a fake STARSCREAMPIE page half a year or so after after the real Starscreampie changed their username. I've kept the whole Envy Me and their life choices to myself out of respect after what seemed to happen after I told one person an they deleted me when all I wanted to do was talk to them, though now I've seen this page it might aswell be said
❤ Lusty ❤ 14 Oct, 2014 @ 11:58pm 
Thanks for the heads up:ohh:
ฬ𝖔𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖊 25 May, 2014 @ 5:33pm 
At Bakesale: yet you are here, jokes on you
Bakesale 25 May, 2014 @ 5:00pm 
This group is just one big circle jerk
Shaundi Frequencies 25 May, 2014 @ 2:05pm 
I leave this group not because I do not agree that this person is doing a wrong stupid thing. I have just had enough of this and is not take US anywhere and her / him. I was tricked by her / his greater or lesser extent, or I was just naive and gave it to cheat. It does not matter, I want to forget about that person let her/him do what he/she thinks is right and we have the right to agree with it or not. I do not want to fight with the windmills. I hope you understand my point of view.

"Ⓜ➍Ⓚ ☑" 25 May, 2014 @ 10:08am 
Reported long time ago, but steam won't do anything until the actual mali has an account. Use the link Shaundi gave out or this one.
ℬіѕтγ ß. 24 May, 2014 @ 2:47pm 
Really annoying to see how many people fell for that scam of a person...
He really hurted Coco, Irfan and other good friends, is he really so ashamed with whe really is that he has to fake?
fωєє∂σм_ѕмσкєя 24 May, 2014 @ 2:31pm 
we all got scammed, to think i fell for it. That guy pretending to be chick really has no life at all!...@bake lmao
Bakesale 24 May, 2014 @ 2:25pm 
This is so sad XD i was wondering why some attractive as ♥♥♥♥ woman was talking to me like i was a god. Probably just wants your steam cards and games.
Irfan 27 24 May, 2014 @ 1:54pm 
This low life has to be stopped, we need as many people to ban and report him.
Tonnheuser 24 May, 2014 @ 1:46pm 
Im in, thank you for the invite Rosie. This person has been causing enough trouble for alot of people. Had my own run-ins with him a while back. You have my support. Hat off to Ms Mali.
ฬ𝖔𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖊 24 May, 2014 @ 1:30pm 
I am with you guys, my cousin had a real bad time because she thought that Mali was a real person, but in the end someone told her the truth about "her" actually she was very sad about it, it is not fair to be cheated like this idiot do, and it is not only this, all its reviews are stolen from other places like amazon

UberMac85 3 Apr, 2014 @ 3:28am 
so where is the real mali??
Kamikazii Kyle 18 Mar, 2014 @ 2:06pm 
I ARE SUPPORT :D lol......i got chu guys haha
ななみ 17 Mar, 2014 @ 4:43pm that level 0 person the real Mali?

Because the profile looks like she is. Well, if that's the real Mali, then glad to see her supporting our group.
ななみ 16 Mar, 2014 @ 12:12pm 
Molly, glad to hear that we could be a help.

The F, yes, I noticed that one.

But the mystery still remains. It is not certain why that Steamer pretends to be this pornstar to begin with. And not sure why he/she does not just write his/her own game reviews.

And I hope he/she stops posting other people's artworks.
Potato Time 16 Mar, 2014 @ 10:58am 
Nice group, that loser needs to be exposed to as many people as possible. It's fakers like him that makes online life hard on the real girls, and annoying for the guys who constantly have to wonder if the girl they just met really is a one or just another socially awkward loser guy pretending.

I've been messaging people on his friends list regularly to warn them of the faker they are so in love with, but sadly many of them don't allow public comments on their profile.

Here's a few screenshots I've taken from the faker's profile in comparison with the originals from Mali's twitter:

Notice how he croppedout the text, haha. Such a pathetic tosser. Feel free to add these to the group info if you want, I'll add more periodically as he steals more pics.
Molly ~ 16 Mar, 2014 @ 10:22am 
Hi ... Yep i'm a girl and i see that "Shy girl" it not a real girl ... just believe like that till i see this group :) / all he(That Shy girl) need is just want to be a famous and everybody will always taking care of ... just good to see this group and thx to let me know it :) thx to protect all the real girls gamer :P
ななみ 15 Mar, 2014 @ 8:04pm 
You're welcome, friend.
⌘Ørtona43␘ 15 Mar, 2014 @ 7:47pm 
Thx for the heads up! :KICK:
ななみ 13 Mar, 2014 @ 11:42pm 
Hastyle1, did you know that Steamer actually did nothing but just copying and pasting Amazon game reviews?

If you doubt, try googling.

And also, a lot of game artworks that Steamer has are not made by that Steamer as well. Such as gif ones.
♠♥_Hastyle1_♣♦ 13 Mar, 2014 @ 6:39pm 
I've always known that StarscreamPie/Mali Venom/Shy Girl was a fake. I remember he/she used another porn stars name on the exact same profile a year or two ago. I personally don't care. I'm on Steam to play video games and not hit on girls, and whoever is using this account has played alot of games and given good reviews....that's all I care about.
ななみ 12 Mar, 2014 @ 5:35pm 
So...basically there are two fake Mali Venoms.

But just as the real Mali Venom stated, the real Mali Venom does NOT use Steam.
ななみ 12 Mar, 2014 @ 4:38pm 
The real Mali's tweets.

"Yes, that's a fake. I don't ever play video games or computer games or whatever that site is for. That's a man posing as me"

"@steam_games @Steam_Support Can I get a phone number for general support? I need to report an account"
ななみ 12 Mar, 2014 @ 4:30pm

The real Mali Venom stated:

"I was just shown a fake profile of me on Steam which I guess is some sort of gaming website? I don't play online games or video games at all"
ななみ 12 Mar, 2014 @ 4:24pm

The real Mali Venom stated:

"Just a warning: I don't have an Instagram or fb or steam or anything! If you follow "me" those places you're following a duuude"