Land Down Under: AUS L.D.U:AUS/NZ
Land Down Under: AUS L.D.U:AUS/NZ
31 January, 2017
ABOUT Land Down Under: AUS

Welcome to Land Down Under: AUS/NZ

Welcome to the group.
Hey guys, so if you play Arma 3,DayZ,Rust,CSGO or H1Z1:king of the kill.. your in a good group. so today guys here im telling you about our group and the servers we may own or own. we have two life servers on Arma 3. "Land down under gaming Tanoa life." or. " Land down under gaming Altis life." be free to join just make sure when you join Tanoa, that you join the TeamSpeak to make sure you have the right mods, if any problems with anything please contact one of the admins or moderators.

We also might have a DayZ server up so make sure you grab your friends and team up or group up with BraydosThaAussie squad. we will be mainly playing either 1# 2# 3# (3# first person). The squad loves to have a max out 6-8 players depends whos on. Any questions on the DayZ please speak to either BraydosThaAussie or Andrew. they will be happy to help, unless there in a busy.. We also play on modded servers called. "420gaming" or. "Bamiland" we will be happy to group up and kill alot of players...
Our role on DayZ is to be friendly, because alot of people on DayZ aren't real friendly, we only shoot if something is werid or if your a bandit and they been shooting at players..

Counter-Strike:Global Offensive. we love to play comps mainly if you are looking to play make sure you have our clan tag on so when you join one of our members we know your in the squad..

Rust. if you like to play Rust and have questions to team up or anything please go ask our Top Rust player. "Nedz" he will love to have some help. if he doesnt he probaly busy working on stuff..

7 Days To die. we now have our server up and running any members are free to join, just make sure you join our ts. our server name is LandDownUnder. we will give you the password when your in the TeamSpeak

We would like alot of people to shout out about our Arma 3 life servers and DayZ if we get a DayZ server up and running.

Well guys hope you enjoy the group, any problems let the admins know.

Any way guys, have a good one. And Stay safe. :)

the Australia day song!
Our Teamspeak[http//+http]
Come play milsim with 116th
New life server coming soon!!