Something Awesome Studios SAS66
Something Awesome Studios SAS66
Fondé le
24 aout 2014
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You are welcome to join!
BossyGamer is a disgruntled ex member and an ex friend. This group is actually really fun and we are looking for new members. Ask me about joining and please ignore Bossy's pinned discussions. They are there as proof of his true colors.
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DONT JOIN, dasmakojin is a power hungry tyrant (cruel and oppressive ruler) who thinks you are worthless and will throw you under the bus whenever it is convenient. This group is NOT FUN AT ALL. Way to much drama and people trying to run your lives the way they want to. I and not a digruntled and neither is BossyGamer. We are both just normal people who like to live our lives and can have a normal conversation with people. We would love to play with anybody who would use common sense and not join this group. You can contact me through steam and message me about who you are. Have a nice day everyone!
Dernière modification de <$>misfit; 7 aout 2015 à 21h57
Hey, Bossy here. Had to make a new account to set things strait here. I am not angry, or disgruntled. I'm not filled with hate or anything else. This was the first group i really got into on steam, and was extremely active in it for a good 6 months. I got to know the leader well, along with all the members, and really helped it grow. Adam was not as active, but cared about his group. I eventually made my way to group officer, which was good so i could invite new members without having to make Adam do it. We were all playing unturned, and it was fun. We eventually made a website so that people could apply on there, for it was a big group. Once Adam heard of this, he was mad at me and misfit for making it without his permission. He claimed he wanted it to be "his thing". He asked me to delete it and i refused given the amount of time I put into the website. He got angry at me, and we had quite the argument. Without getting into details, he kicked/blocked me. At that point i didnt really care for i knew the group was going to die without me, misfit, and poppnop. The 3 most active people. As i predicted, the group fell apart. He kicked 90% of the group for some kind of purge. I went on and made a new group called The Raid Monkeys (ik gay name) for unturned. We had 20+ members within the first week. Eventually i became a staff member on unturned.ROCKS, the biggest server network. Eventually i got some beef with the leader, and was banned from it, but that was beside the point. Througout that entire time, adam never contacted me once. We used to be good friends, but for some reason he decided to not even give 2 shits about me. I tried contacting him various ways, because there was something i didnt tell him, that he needed to know. Eventually i got it though to him through a friend, and he told him, i dont care, and that he should never speak of me again. If that isnt holding a grudge i dont know what is. I have nothing against this group. You can join if you like, but i need to warn you. Dont get too close, he will hurt you. Anyway, I wanted you all to know this. Like misfit said, have a nice day.
Adam, since you are probly going to delete this, I want you to know that im not pissed. If you ever have a friend like that again, dont ever treat it like that please. Just a life tip.
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