Sjru's friendship family of loyal friends. Sjru
Sjru's friendship family of loyal friends. Sjru
28 October, 2012
战士 18 Jun, 2015 @ 3:50am 
Spaci 11 May, 2015 @ 4:34pm 
:wolfy: so sassy
Zeke 30 Apr, 2015 @ 12:27am 
*Snuggles the cute Dragonite* ^w^ Rawr~
Hati 20 Feb, 2015 @ 10:08am 
Marsdudes 27 Nov, 2014 @ 4:06pm 
Sjru's birthday is tomorow, and so we habe to celebrate! Rawwr! Happy birthday Sjru! *Hugs* :lev:
Bliss 20 Jun, 2014 @ 10:58am 
I consider myself pony neutral btw, neither promoting nor insulting the fandom. I just wanted to say. Also I'm really happy you see me as a friend X3 *floatyhuggles* :balloon:
Luna ♥ 20 Mar, 2014 @ 11:36am 
∑ GOAT_SAN 8 Feb, 2014 @ 4:58pm 
Howi c:
Starbright Bunny 1 Jan, 2014 @ 2:56pm 
Ey, boss!
Latika 11 Oct, 2013 @ 7:56am 
Sjru is asleep right now. Please leave a message. xD
jolt 12 Sep, 2013 @ 7:25pm 
Starbright Bunny 12 Sep, 2013 @ 7:17pm 
Cerasza 12 Sep, 2013 @ 7:11pm 
I generally try not to get wrapped up in drama in progress, much less cause any of my own. So backstabbing is not a thing I do. I'm a medic, not a spy. :med:
TailsFox 12 Sep, 2013 @ 6:42pm 
Latika 21 Aug, 2013 @ 1:41pm 
Thanks for your invitation, Sjru! ♫
I will not disappoint you.
Mousse 21 May, 2013 @ 9:33am 
Dis ish Sjru's family o3o
Yay ^.^
i love you <3
i will go nom now.
probably somedin.... mhhmm
Noire 29 Jan, 2013 @ 7:55am 
Soy de tu familia >:c soy el hermano c:
god 16 Jan, 2013 @ 6:25am 
*Engages in shady action~*
Dancelot 3 Jan, 2013 @ 6:03am 
Awwwww x3
Frosted rat 11 Nov, 2012 @ 5:01am 
jje, oki than
Blissharmony 11 Nov, 2012 @ 4:39am 
VVVV Its fine I don't mind I was just messing. Its a joke I do because I can't speak spanish
Frosted rat 11 Nov, 2012 @ 3:04am 
+1 in my fail counting. I said... something that is hard to explain in eng. Feelings and that...
Blissharmony 11 Nov, 2012 @ 2:21am 
VVVV english please ;C
Frosted rat 10 Nov, 2012 @ 10:36am 
Siempre siento que es demasiado honor incluso hablar contigo, jer jer jer....
Kasey the Wolf 6 Nov, 2012 @ 6:09pm 
"The only way to have a friend is to be one." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Blissharmony 6 Nov, 2012 @ 8:22am 
Friends are supposed to stick together
91 Freeway 30 Oct, 2012 @ 8:12pm 
Were here for you sjru;)
Kaii 29 Oct, 2012 @ 9:57am 
I'm happy to be in dis group =3