silentdeathclan CS 1.6V
silentdeathclan CS 1.6V
Fundado em
25 de abril de 2011
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If New Srver starts
Hi there to all my old group freinds of Silent Death Clan

its ages that i have not been so active and i have not been into this place also but if you know me i am the who started this Group and founder of the Clan is not in touch with me due to many reason and the most what i can say about him is that life really gose onn and he might have left for his real life job and so on but i know he is nearby and have eyes on me

Dear freinds i am starting this discuttion once again to you all and opening it up once again for your suggetion that the INTEL tornament is starting soon in the next year and this time we want a team who can fight for INDIA and for this we need players.

I also have a traget to get atlst 6 of the players as my personal team members who will play with the same name as the silent death clan and will play for india and if i am not wrong this time this tornament will be in in RUS and intel will be spncring and if not then it is in USA for sure so far i have no details about the event where is is happning

So i need your ppl advice to start a new sever again for the Silent Death PUB 1 and then Silent Death Clan Practice sever where it will be pasword protected just those players will be able to come who are qulify the entry of the server and for those who can play on that sever rest the PUB will be open for everyone,

We will be looking forward for the best players who can play on the lan settings and how they play and there skills also to slect them and then make a team of 6 which i said will represent INDIAN team also and this will be against most of the populer teams in all over the world

So here is the deal for you.. where shell we strat the server where shell we get the players and who ever will be intrusted to get the entry for the team also

Silent Death Clan is already register with the most populer clan in 2010 to 2012 also but somehow we had to stop it for 1 good year to get stable but now we are and those 6 players will know a lot more then he should know about teh clan and investers also

So pls fell free to post your cooments and your idea about the clan the OLD clan members who are still active will be more then welcome and ofcourse if they want to join us back again or they are still into this clan they are more then welcome

PLs do comment i will be llooking forward to this post

with best wishes for the new year and marry Xmas to you all

With Regards
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Publicado em: 22/dez./2014 às 13:47
Mensagens: 0