RAtarded Gamers SelfBirths
RAtarded Gamers SelfBirths
9 de Novembro de 2014
United States 
11 comentários
Ethan Michaels 26 de fev. às 13:48 
Happy bday to me Happy bday to me Happy bday to me... yeah. The entire community is back up and running. We lose some, we win some. But shootout to the Real Ogs for sticking around. God bless everyone, may God find his peace in your heart and for you to grow in faith with him. Amen.
Ethan Michaels 26 fev. 2024 às 5:27 
Happy bday to me Happy bday to me Happy bday to me... Yeah i lost my entire friend group. I have a few surviving friends. Hopefully in the near future, life will get easier and more lovely. Eventually i hope life will get better and more enjoyable for everyone. God bless everyone!
Ethan Michaels 26 fev. 2023 às 20:09 
Happy bday to me Happy bday to me Happy bday to me... Yeah this time it's definitely been an adventure. Lost several good friends, however holding strong with the main ogs, jamess, Montreal, frost, giuditta, latvian homie. And now I'm in a relationship with a girl named wynter, and things have changed and we will have to see what the future awaits. God bless everyone!
Ethan Michaels 26 fev. 2022 às 11:59 
Happy bday to me Happy bday to me Happy bday to me... Yeah What an adventure this year and last year was. Met jesus and now have a few songs to remember him by, I bought a dog named bear, and then drove to ohio and gave him to emma now his name is HANK. THIRD TIME MEETING EMMA much luv bro . The gang is still holding strong, We got all them ogs, we got jamess, tookiyo, pathfinder, magda, wiggle, lydia, baka, Shaun, Reese, laney, guiditta, nicole, mituie thiccbob, now we have lericcc and logan, sunshine, lewiskane, this holding 12 YEARS STRONG WITH MY DAD Blackstar, always chilling with us and yes greffen and ryan and james, and aaron sometimes, are still in my life. Had an adventure with shrooms, but its over and done with now, I love all of you dearly. I also moved out of my old house, no longer reside there, i now live in my own apartment. I can't wait to see where the future leads me, because i'm just ready.
Ethan Michaels 26 fev. 2021 às 10:57 
Happy bday to me Happy bday to me Happy bday to me... Yeah, holy ♥♥♥♥ what a year this was, ending up entering a relationship in real life? Well that ended QUICKLY 6 months later, shout out to Isabella, having a influence on my life, THEN STARTED MY OWN underground Business?? Ran an entire operation, selling internationally, became a completely different person and not being who I was for a long time, and totally changed and morphed as a new and better person throughout the years, lost several best friends, but gained new ONES, STILL A pimp at heart, shout out to my real ogs i I've had over the years, James's, Emelia ❤️, Mituie, Emma, karli, Schneider, greffen, James davenport, Ryan, and to my mother. UNFORTUNATELY We had no meet up, because something called the Chinese virus came out, but hey, but maybe hopefully we will all meet up in the Netherlands 🐻💕. And I'm going by PapaBearEthan now so yeah. I love everyone, I appreciate you, thank you for remaining in my life
Ethan Michaels 25 fev. 2020 às 22:58 
Happy bday to me Happy bday to me Happy bday to me.... Yeah, Dead ass i just been Jipped outta $400 Of my Crpto Currency like literally not even 2 hours ago, like legit thats not cool, however, its been a crazy year! I've met Emma aka Emmadoodle13 In real life ( love you too death emma <3 <3 ), not once but TWICE! AND ALSO, Took a trip to england!!! MET MY HOMEBOYS!!! I MET TOOKIYO THE COASTA RICAN ITALIAN PRINCE!! THE GUY WHO GOT CANCELED 4 TIMES BY MELONDY QUEEN, I MET JAMESS, MY BOY FROM ENGLAND, LETs gooooooo, i also met Rossecko, another british guy who i met the becki, i've met PANCAKES!!! MY BOY PANCAKES!!! I ALSO MET SHAUN, Stupid jew... and i also met Lydia.gee THE BRITISH ♥♥♥♥♥ I MET ON OMEGLE 2 YEARS AGo!! IN REAL LIFe!!! ITS CRAZY, and guess what this year!!! WE PLAN ON MEETING in THE SUMMER TIME, WITH A EVEN BIGGER EVENT, more than just 7 people.
Ethan Michaels 25 fev. 2019 às 23:35 
Happy bday to me Happy bday to me Happy bday to me.... Yeah the road has taken me to a pit of hell and heaven. I am now again more religious than ever, i am catholic. I am also selebit, but still contain my sexualness to the maximum. I come to realize that college is a load of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and the american education system has the big gay. But overall i am doing alright. Plus i got to meet pathfinder542 and Stalwart Virtue in real like this year :)
Ethan Michaels 25 fev. 2018 às 22:01 
Happy bday to me Happy bday to me Happy bday to me...... Yeah i'm in doing well! I'm alright, i've been doing quite well and successful this year, Im a single and free man! Hell yeah! Chilling and relaxing and seeing where the road will take me!
Ethan Michaels 26 fev. 2017 às 9:06 
Happy bday to me Happy bday to me Happy bday to me...... yeah I'm Ina dull mood swingy mood this year, was fun, still
Hanging with Ruba ;)
Ethan Michaels 26 fev. 2016 às 14:39 
Happy Bday To me Happy Bday to me, Happy Bday to me........Yeah im in a happy standpoint in my life/interesting ;), thanks angel.
Ethan Michaels 26 fev. 2015 às 16:42 
Happy Bday To me Happy Bday to me, Happy Bday to me...... Yeah im sad....