Screen Hunters Guild ScreenHunter
Screen Hunters Guild ScreenHunter
2 september 2020
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New group avatar design Community Contest Submission Thread
Please post your group avatar designs below

1. Avatar must have an aspect ratio of 1:1 and be no larger than 184 x 184
2. Designs must be original either by creating something new from scratch or editing a photo
3. Max two group avatar design submissions per hunter
4. You can swap out your selected avatar anytime during the contest window by editing your post if you created something better

** Staff members are allowed to enter but can not vote for their own avatar design during the selection process **

We - the staff - will select the best new avatar design and display it as our new group logo

The last day of submission has been extended to June 26th at 1201 EST to give others a chance to enter
Laatst bewerkt door DarkChaos; 29 mei 2021 om 0:51
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1-4 van 4 reacties weergegeven
I cant design anything. I'm just commenting to see the great submissions you get!
Laatst bewerkt door Simboker; 22 mei 2021 om 8:27
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