Samurai Vader's Point of View SVPoV
Samurai Vader's Point of View SVPoV
5 mars 2016
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Need a break

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3 kommentarer
Antwog 13 jun, 2016 @ 19:06 
Hey Vader, first, thank you and I appreciate you plugging me and Tom's review groups, it does mean a lot.

Secondly, I didn't think the new system was bad until I properly researched it and unfortunately this will remove some if not most of the motivation of writing detailed reviews. So I hope you both and others don't stop writing for good but I understand your point of view (pun unintended) on this situation.
BAZ 13 jun, 2016 @ 13:55 
Not to mention, we still can't view all reviews.
jgfghfhgf 13 jun, 2016 @ 11:03 
To be honest Vader, I've been feeling very much the same, especially since the way that Steam displays reviews now (most popular review from the last 30 days for a game) it has kind of made it feel kind of pointless to write a detailed review for a game, only for it to eventually get buried under the joke reviews after the 30 days.

I seriously hope Steam/Valve reconsider this action as it could harm the community as a whole without proper reviews curating the Steam page.

To answer your question regarding curation - I've not made a huge push for getting followers of my curator page, people tend to gravitate to a user's review page rather than a group's review page I have found.

PS - thank you for the shout out :)