Summer Game Chan SGChan
Summer Game Chan SGChan
11 June, 2015
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
100M rooms [GAME OVER]
This was on the next to the last day of the month. We tried to use a new strategy, with a new script[], made by the Ye Olde Wormhole Scheme guys. When the game restarted, we waited an hour, and then we joined the room (45955). We used the new script with the wormhole strat, but when we reached level ~40M we almost run out of wormholes and we were leveling up too slow. So, after 12 hours on that room we joined a new room (46550). With the Badge Points we won in the last room, everyone bought ~40000 wormholes. And ~7 hours later, we finished the game! When you reach the 100M level, you cannot advance, the game glitches with a killscreen, the music changes and you receive an special badge
Some stats:
  • Time record: 7:16:30 (the fastest room to reach 100M in that day! The third one to reach 100M)
  • Players: 1 482 (@lvl 100M)
  • Active: 578 (average: ~600)
  • Clicks: 47 195 020
  • Abilities: 4 785 771
  • Biggest Jump: 5.32 Million (from 86740400 to 92069261)
  • Merged groups: Ye Olde Wormhole Scheme, 4chan, SMGWIO, partially Cool Minigame Group
Screen of the level happening before it went wonky to see the time.[]
Video of our room in the 100M level, with the killscreen and the new music.
Last edited by Summer Game Chan; 19 Jun, 2015 @ 6:39am
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mhetralla 19 Jun, 2015 @ 7:48am 
Also, 46550 finished at exactly 4:20 (Valve time).
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