Sapphire Technology Sapphire
Sapphire Technology Sapphire
21 May, 2010
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Discussion rules
This Steam group and the discussion area is here for people to discuss PC gaming and Sapphire video cards. With this in mind we felt it is necessary to clarify the rules of the discussion area to ensure everyone can have good discussions without spamming and flaming threads.

  • Respect others posts: Even if you disagree with someone do not make personal attacks or posts that are purely meant to flame other people or companies. Showing disrespect will result in a warning and a second incident a ban from the group.
  • No Spamming: Do not post about other group giveaways, sales our your latest skin looking for votes. Keep the discussions on to matters related to this group. Spamming threads are deleted and the original poster banned.
  • No Begging: We would love to give everyone a video card or game but we cannot and pretty much everyone knows it. Threads begging for a giveaway are a waste of everyone’s time and will be deleted. The first such thread will receive a warning and second will result in a banning.

Most of us want to enjoy a discussion area where we can talk about topics of interest and see others thoughts. We do not enjoy the few that think it is cool to derail threads, attack others or just post to seek attention. Help us keep this discussion area clean and fun for everyone.