Rust Town Rust Town
Rust Town Rust Town
17 January, 2014
Bro-ski 23 Jun, 2016 @ 10:00am 
Hey Manly, that sounds like fun. I would join you guys.
Manly 21 Jun, 2016 @ 12:06pm 
Don't know if this place is still alive, or if people still check here , but me (i changed my name, you might remember me as Ozzy) and NapalmKitteh have gotten back into rust. We are pretty well sitiuated on a small server and thought we would hit up the old group to see if any of you guys wanted to join us, pm me, friend request me, or respond here. I look forward to seeing who is interested!
Bro-ski 25 Nov, 2015 @ 3:39pm 
Oh hey Zwaany, Ill pop online later tonight to see if I can catch you guys.
Zwaany 25 Nov, 2015 @ 4:13am 
Looking to start Rust back up with kickass, sgt, pedro, One and I. Anyone else wants to join us let us know. I want to play alittle tonight :)
Bro-ski 1 Nov, 2015 @ 10:37pm 
Hey Zwaany! glad to hear you guys are all around...I see some of you playing other games and I know Im kinda late to the party. I have been playing on the Facepunch public Texas Server. I got C4 Bp and the New turret Bp some crazy luck. Hope you cya on.
Zwaany 1 Nov, 2015 @ 5:35pm 
Hey kick-ass a few of us still jump in from time to time. we have taken another break but im sure if people want to play we could find a server
Bro-ski 28 Oct, 2015 @ 11:33pm 
Yo do you guys still play Rust?
Bro-ski 19 May, 2015 @ 5:48pm 
Hey guys. Glad to hear the group is still alive. In response to Zwanny's comment, I would love to come back to join you guys. The catch for me is that this new update is too much for my sad little computer =( . Realistically I would need to upgrade it in order to play the game smoothly (something inherently necessary for survival). As soon as I can I will come find you guys and join the party!
Zwaany 29 Apr, 2015 @ 8:37pm 
Hey guys. We are back! Starting off small because slowly more members of the community is coming back to rust. We are currently playing on cyclone 10x server. Hit me, one, or graez up for a tp tp us. Game is great again!
Bro-ski 17 Nov, 2014 @ 9:07pm 
yo guys , i cant wait for the new update but I will lag like ♥♥♥♥ till I update my comp. Like zwaany I miss those days too of our big ol'base and the teamwork!
Zwaany 4 Jun, 2014 @ 9:32pm 
Hey guys. One and I will be back once the new upate is released. If you haven't kept up look at . They are doing a major overhaul of the game and can't wait to be back once its released. I'm currenty playing stomping land if anyone wants to play in the meantime. I miss you guys!
NapalmKitteh 2 Jun, 2014 @ 6:12pm 
Maybe when a big update comes out.
Juruna 31 May, 2014 @ 9:36pm 
lets play again guys?
x0nex 30 Jan, 2014 @ 4:15pm 
Thank you Napalm, I suggest everyone use this instead. It will be much clearer and probably much more reliable.
NapalmKitteh 30 Jan, 2014 @ 4:11pm 
My friends and I pay for a teamspeak server, its much clearer and eaier to hear people compared to the steam voice chat. Here is the IP: Join the "Rust" channel and use password: rust

Looking forward to seeing you all there :)
Zwaany 28 Jan, 2014 @ 8:26pm 
Code to gate changed it 3636 and 6363
x0nex 28 Jan, 2014 @ 2:10am 
Heads up everyone. Jack Sparrow and RobbinHood have agreed to leave the valley and the compound alone in return that we don't relocate them and destroy their houses again. I am curious how long they will allow this peace until they come back. I haven't been able to speak with Turtle3gg or the others but hopefully they all leave us. They will move far away and not bother us, thats what they said. Obviously in and around the road area they could kill us and in fact anyone could kill us, as we are aware of that. But they gave us their word on not coming back around us in the valley. If this is honoured, we should be in peace and be able to work for a while. Keep me posted on any news of this though. Thank you
Shasato 27 Jan, 2014 @ 11:11pm 
that's the code to my luggage!
Zwaany 26 Jan, 2014 @ 11:06pm 
Code for the gate is 1337 and 7331
x0nex 26 Jan, 2014 @ 2:45am 
Thanks for the heads up Shas, looks like we will have a perpetual war on our hands and always be dealing with him and others. Hopefully we can figure something out :)
Shasato 26 Jan, 2014 @ 1:46am 
h4rb raided us again
killed me
Shasato 25 Jan, 2014 @ 1:42am 
Unlocking codes have been added to doors for sharing. Ideas? Thoughts on adding it to the base?
Bro-ski 24 Jan, 2014 @ 6:29pm 
Hey everyone, new here, would gladly help build up the main base
x0nex 21 Jan, 2014 @ 7:03am 
Everyone, please read the latest discussion titled 'IMPORTANT". Thank you
x0nex 20 Jan, 2014 @ 5:57pm 
I think Powned will be adding door share capabilities. I was considering surrounding the complex with gateways/gates so that it is one more layer for someone to get through. We still need about 2 more members to bring in and we should be complete for the wall :)
MonGo 20 Jan, 2014 @ 5:07pm 
We would need gates to get through the fences

Can you add people to who can open a gate?
x0nex 20 Jan, 2014 @ 1:59pm 
Well we need to fill in the empty rooms first. When we get that. I think we can have each person start to build walls in front of their houses. I just don't know if we will be able to make it go all around like we have already
Zwaany 20 Jan, 2014 @ 2:39am 
My suggestion is make my walls!
x0nex 19 Jan, 2014 @ 12:39am 
If anyone has any suggests about how to make this place better, just let me know :)
MonGo 18 Jan, 2014 @ 12:23pm 
whats up guys