Dead MP Games Resurrection Group DMPGR
Dead MP Games Resurrection Group DMPGR
22 August, 2014
This topic has been locked
WinNytHepOOh 24 Apr, 2018 @ 12:23pm
[SHUT DOWN] Let's Resurrect: Loadout
If you own Loadout, and would like to play multiplayer, feel free to use this thread!

Click Subscribe to discussion on the right to be notified of any replies to this thread, which will include scheduled events!

Or, reply to the thread to discuss with other players and potentially get a group going at any time!

Note: This game is free2play!
Last edited by WinNytHepOOh; 14 Mar, 2020 @ 7:55am
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
Peen 23 Apr, 2018 @ 6:29pm 
Resurrect Loadout (Free Game) tomorrow (Wednesday)
Hi guys

I'm going to try and resurrect Loadout! at 8PM EST (5PM Pacific). It's a free game and has good reviews.

Last edited by Peen; 23 Apr, 2018 @ 6:30pm
Darkness Vortex 23 Apr, 2018 @ 6:42pm 
I commented on the Event but I will post here since it might not get seen there. n_n;
I'm going to try to install this game, try it out and try to participate in this Event. ^_^
(Hopefully my computer won't freeze this time. xD )
Notastoner 23 Apr, 2018 @ 9:08pm 
have it downloaded ready to play
Darkness Vortex 23 Apr, 2018 @ 9:52pm 
I can't do downloads (especially as big as this) while my internet sharer is here and they don't leave until about the middle of the day tomorrow. I have had large games take over 8 hours to download before... I'm going to try to start the download as soon as they are off and let it go while I'm doing other things and hopefully it will finish in time for me to test it out and try to learn the basics of playing before the Event starts. ^_^
Notastoner 23 Apr, 2018 @ 10:04pm 
Maybe somebody could stream the event tommorow.
Darkness Vortex 23 Apr, 2018 @ 10:22pm 
That could be cool. :o Then, even if my game froze, I could still watch. :D
WinNytHepOOh 24 Apr, 2018 @ 12:26pm 
Downloading the game right now....I'll take part in the event! :)
Darkness Vortex 24 Apr, 2018 @ 1:53pm 
Steam finished downloading much earlier than I approximated! :D Now I can try out the game and make sure I don't have any weird problems with it. xD
Darkness Vortex 24 Apr, 2018 @ 4:46pm 
Aww, the game requires an account with a third party... :S I specifically looked for that before I got my hopes up. xD
WinNytHepOOh 14 Mar, 2020 @ 7:54am 
Due to the game being shut down, we are no longer able to play it and this thread will remain locked, until maybe one day Loadout will come to the surface again! :)
Rest in Peace, Loadout!
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