Mythic Guardians of the Umbrella ^MGU^
Mythic Guardians of the Umbrella ^MGU^
9 maj 2012
21 kommentarer
GenocideHeart 12 aug, 2014 @ 12:47 
Rawr 'n' stuff. My avatar should make who I am abundantly clear. :summerghost:
The Dark Evil Lord 25 jul, 2014 @ 22:30 
Dark-Evil-Lord from the forums. Thought I'd join.
Tremendous Moist, Lord of Wet 1 jul, 2014 @ 6:30 
Wagafish on the forums.
Squawk Squawk.
Sparkbomber 26 jun, 2014 @ 12:46 
Boomerang_Flash here. Just a heads-up. :Safe_House:
Bane 5 maj, 2014 @ 20:10 
Something is up with MGU again, I keep getting the index only, nothing else.
darksquallleon 1 sep, 2013 @ 16:42 
I am Xhadow and i am a lurker too XD
Crowe's Big Debt 1 aug, 2013 @ 20:54 
I'm Deadlocked on and I'm your friendly neighborhood lurker.
Anewidea 25 jul, 2013 @ 20:43 
Anewidea on
Loki 13 jul, 2013 @ 11:59 
Just a note;

If someone buys me a game from my wishlist during the steam sale, I will buy a game for them from their own list on wednesday, up to $5 over the purchase price. That means, if a game cost $20, I'll buy you one for $25. I can only afford to do this for 2 people though (three, depending upon the total cost of the games) so it's first come first serve.

I'm doing this, because there's a bunch of stuff showing up on the daily sales that I can't afford until payday (Wednesday), and I'm unfortunately missing out on them :< So I hope you guys decide to help out, but that's fine if you do not.

(As a note, I only had $10 in my account today, and with only one lunch until payday, I could afford the $3.75 for Overlord and it's expansion, as lunch costs me about $3.50 a day (Red Baron Deep Dish pizza + Dr. Pepper from Break-Room soda machine).)

Please post as a response, what game, and how much it cost you (Total, including Tax), so I know exactly how much to spend in return.
Observer 29 jun, 2013 @ 7:28 
Ded group
Short-Haired Tornado 27 maj, 2013 @ 16:18 
I've removed about half of my steam friends list, due to inactivity and quietness. If you wish to re-add me, feel free, but I doubt that will happen.
Bane 23 mar, 2013 @ 8:56 
Looking for anyone else here who also plays L4D 1
Ballin4Gunshots 23 feb, 2013 @ 23:44 
We ever gonna put a picture up?
Loki 11 jan, 2013 @ 19:27 
Oi, if anyone sees an email in thier inbox, mentioning "Microsoft Security Agreement" or anything similar then delete it, immeadiately. Do NOT open it under any circumstances. It's got a trojan attached that utilizes security holes in Java to steal information off your computer.
Monte 27 dec, 2012 @ 1:21 
The old group is now confirmed dead.
My Little Gardevoir 24 dec, 2012 @ 18:53 
just now noticed the group switch here >.> LockeCole48 on i use the same name everywhere
Beef Taco 21 dec, 2012 @ 19:38 
Welp im here! Im known as Rei364 on XD simmilar names ftw.
Bane 20 dec, 2012 @ 6:20 
Well here I am, otherwise known as Raet on
Zaxxor 16 sep, 2012 @ 12:12 
does anyone here play spiral knights?
Mark-12 21 aug, 2012 @ 1:40 
So...I figure I'll throw this out there...I have a lot of games...some single player, some multiplayer. Take a look through my massive list of games and if you want to play a game, send me a message.
Loki 15 jul, 2012 @ 12:46 
Whelp... I suppose SOMEONE should start using this... >.>

Torchlight is an Action-RPG game, that's very Diablo-esque. You take on the role of an adventurer, who comes to the mining village of Torchlight, each for their own reason. Originally, the mission is to aid in locating the former master of a mage who was defending the town from monsters, but as you venture deeper into the mines and enter the vast ruins below, you find yourself caught in a darker plot.

The game's not that difficult to learn, but it does lack multiplayer, which is a big miss in the game. Thankfully, Torchlight II, which will be released either this month (July) or next (August), does have multiplayer, and allows you to customize the appearance of your character.

Thanks to Mark-12 for giving e TL1 and TL2, I've had the pleasure of playing this game thus far, and am looking forward to playing Torchlight 2 alongside our members here!
