PlooWorks Designer Hub PlooWorks
PlooWorks Designer Hub PlooWorks
3 February, 2018
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Aithlin 22 Feb, 2018 @ 5:25pm
Designers List Applicants
This thread is dedicated to Designers that wants to be part of PlooWorks Designers List.
• To be successfully added, you must abide with the following requirements:

✔️ You must have read our Designer Code of Conduct and Suspension Policy.
✔️ Your steam profile must be set to public.
✔️ Minimum steam level of 10.
✔️ Minimum designs of 5 on your portfolio.
✔️ Steam Rep must be in good standing.

• Please provide a banner (the banner will serve as your slogan) with the following requirements:

✔️ Banner size: 600px * 200px
✔️ File Type: GIF or PNG
✔️ File Size: 2MB or less

• Now, please provide the following information with same format below:

✔️ Banner Link
✔️ Artist's Design Style: (Variety of animations/designs that you're capable of)
✔️ About Me: (A little bit about yourself and what the customers can expect from you)
✔️ Designer's Portfolio: (Your portfolio's link)
✔️ Contact: (Your SteamID64)
Once we've reviewed your application form and once its approved, you'll automatically be added to PlooWorks Designers List.
Last edited by Aithlin; 18 Apr, 2018 @ 7:49pm
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
Banner: Banner []

Artist's Design Style: Static and Animated Anime artworks

About Me: Hi im Dekomori from Argentina,i have some experience making artwork, cheap prices,reliable and friendly

Designer's Portfolio:

Last edited by Dekomori ||| ADO 享楽的; 16 Mar, 2018 @ 5:32am
Aithlin 16 Mar, 2018 @ 6:00am 
Originally posted by Dekomori | Furry hater:
Banner: Banner []

Artist's Design Style: Static and Animated Anime artworks

About Me: Hi im Dekomori from Argentina,i have some experience making artwork, cheap prices,reliable and friendly

Designer's Portfolio:


We've reviewed your application request and we would like to congratulate and welcome you to PlooWorks Design and effective immediately we've put you on our list.
Originally posted by Aithlin:
Originally posted by Dekomori | Furry hater:
Banner: Banner []

Artist's Design Style: Static and Animated Anime artworks

About Me: Hi im Dekomori from Argentina,i have some experience making artwork, cheap prices,reliable and friendly

Designer's Portfolio:


We've reviewed your application request and we would like to congratulate and welcome you to PlooWorks Design and effective immediately we've put you on our list.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but could you list it just dekomori?
and thx <333
Last edited by Dekomori ||| ADO 享楽的; 16 Mar, 2018 @ 11:49am
KaRtoON 18 Mar, 2018 @ 1:56pm 

Artist's Design Style: Static/Animated Showcases

About Me: I made my first artwork for myself, after that i loved it and started doing artworks for my friends, i love to do them, and i can make such a good artwork cheap, safe and fast.

Designer's Portfolio:

Last edited by KaRtoON; 19 Mar, 2018 @ 3:13pm
Aithlin 18 Mar, 2018 @ 11:35pm 
Originally posted by .101KKaRtoON:

Artist's Design Style: Static/Animated Showcases

About Me: I made my first artwork for myself, after that i loved it and started doing artworks for my friends, i love to do them, and i can make such a good artwork cheap, safe and fast.

Designer's Portfolio:

Please provide your SteamID64, not your custom url link.
You can get your SteamID64 via SteamRep[].
KaRtoON 19 Mar, 2018 @ 3:13pm 
Originally posted by Aithlin:
Please provide your SteamID64, not your custom url link.
You can get your SteamID64 via SteamRep[].

Edited, added the correct link :)
Aithlin 19 Mar, 2018 @ 9:06pm 
Originally posted by .101KKaRtoON:
Originally posted by Aithlin:
Please provide your SteamID64, not your custom url link.
You can get your SteamID64 via SteamRep[].

Edited, added the correct link :)

We've reviewed your application request and we would like to congratulate and welcome you to PlooWorks Design and effective immediately we've put you on our list.
KaRtoON 19 Mar, 2018 @ 10:00pm 
Originally posted by Aithlin:
Originally posted by .101KKaRtoON:

Edited, added the correct link :)

We've reviewed your application request and we would like to congratulate and welcome you to PlooWorks Design and effective immediately we've put you on our list.

Sorry to bother you, but can list me just as "KaRtoON" :p
P H O B I C 18 Apr, 2018 @ 11:21am 
1. Banner :

2. Name: 01PHOBIC

3. Design Focus: character animation , Particle effects , Saber effects, logos , full steam profile revamp.

4. Contact:

5. Portfolio:

6. Additional Info: i am a self taught artist , i have always had a love for art . the customer is always right , you tell me and I create it . thats my moto ! my artworks are always competitively priced , i will never over charge you and will always let you see the sample first before buying .
djul 18 Apr, 2018 @ 12:13pm 
banner: link[]

Artist's Design Style: Anime, Simplistic, Motion design, Logo designs. And other graphics on request

About Me: I'm a friendly guy that likes to make Graphics etc. Most important: I will work on your order till the customer is 100% satisfied.

Designer's Portfolio: portofolio link, (scroll down)[]

Contact/steamid: link
Last edited by djul; 29 Apr, 2018 @ 11:25am
Aithlin 18 Apr, 2018 @ 7:49pm 
Originally posted by 💜P H O B I C💜🇮🇳:
1. Banner :

2. Name: 01PHOBIC

3. Design Focus: character animation , Particle effects , Saber effects, logos , full steam profile revamp.

4. Contact:

5. Portfolio:

6. Additional Info: i am a self taught artist , i have always had a love for art . the customer is always right , you tell me and I create it . thats my moto ! my artworks are always competitively priced , i will never over charge you and will always let you see the sample first before buying .
Kindly follow the format above
Aithlin 18 Apr, 2018 @ 7:54pm 
Originally posted by Joris:
banner: link[]

Artist's Design Style: Anime, Simplistic, Motion design, Logo designs. And other graphics on request

About Me: I'm a friendly guy that likes to make Graphics etc. Most important: I will work on your order till the customer is 100% satisfied.

Designer's Portfolio: portofolio link, (scroll down)[]

Contact/steamid: link
Please provide your SteamID64 and not your custom url link
P H O B I C 18 Apr, 2018 @ 7:59pm 
Banner: :

Artist's Design Style: character animation , Particle effects , Saber effects, logos , full steam profile revamp.

About Me: i am a self taught artist , i have always had a love for art . the customer is always right , you tell me and I create it . thats my moto ! my artworks are always competitively priced , i will never over charge you and will always let you see the sample first before buying .

Designer's Portfolio:

Contact :
Aithlin 18 Apr, 2018 @ 8:21pm 
Originally posted by 💜P H O B I C💜🇮🇳:
Banner: :

Artist's Design Style: character animation , Particle effects , Saber effects, logos , full steam profile revamp.

About Me: i am a self taught artist , i have always had a love for art . the customer is always right , you tell me and I create it . thats my moto ! my artworks are always competitively priced , i will never over charge you and will always let you see the sample first before buying .

Designer's Portfolio:

Contact :
We've reviewed your application request and we would like to congratulate and welcome you to PlooWorks Design and effective immediately we've put you on our list.
djul 20 Apr, 2018 @ 6:08am 
Changed my custom URL, To my Steam64 id
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
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Date Posted: 22 Feb, 2018 @ 5:25pm
Posts: 19