Payday Ass Cappin' Ninjas PAC~N
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Payday Ass Cappin' Ninjas PAC~N
게임 중
2011년 11월 6일
Payday Ass Cappin' Ninjas 정보

Payday Ninjas!

Group for Ninjas of the game Payday: The Heist.

We are a group of Payday players who game pretty well. Oddly enough we happen to be pretty damn cool. Pretty simple.... when you think of us, think "Holycrap, its Ninjas with rifles, guns n bombs n shit taking everything and slapping their way out". Yes, thats exactly how we roll.

Have fun. If you were asked to join its because you sure didn't seem to be a dick and played well as a team. Lets keep it that way.

This group is not about skilled players (although we have some badass mofo's here) this group is about cool people. Try to have a mic, and lets all level up. This is a perfect place to avoid the trolls.

Only 3 rules here:

1. Don't spam yo shit in our shit.

2. Don't be a douche.

3. Ya have to smoke crack

For your enjoyment, to the right we have a few clips of some of the best heists on the big screen.

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44 Minutes
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Bronco Challenge
Add me if you are down to game or just wish to level up.
댓글 290
CyberFunk 2023년 10월 6일 오후 12시 53분 
If you are seeing this page, then I am sorry to inform you that the group is closed. Comments are disabled and no new members will be accepted. We had a fun ride and made some great memories. Thank you to everyone who joined and participated.
$nWo$_ALPHATIER1980 2016년 4월 1일 오후 1시 21분 
heyo heisters thx for invite
Miami Dave 2016년 1월 5일 오후 9시 06분 
OMG, We are dead!!!! Hahahhahaha
Besen 2014년 7월 12일 오전 2시 42분 
Is this group still alive? :D
Some people wanna group up for Overkill mask?
I myself only need 3 of elefant and 4 of armored transport to get it but I'm open to help the rest of the group to get the heists they need.

I'm simply tired of the incapacity of a random group.
Just add me if you are interested and tell my right away that you added me for this specific objection.

CyberFunk 2014년 2월 12일 오후 8시 44분 
This game has so many cheaters it's ridiculous. Where is the fun in it all?
Miami Dave 2014년 1월 3일 오후 7시 07분

Not sure McChizzle but welcome anyways. Wanna smoke some crack?
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2011년 11월 6일