19 May, 2012
mcskewl 13 Jul, 2017 @ 3:57pm
rach3t_4's recollections 7/13/17

my handle was 'rach3t_4' on the long-defunct minecraft server pvpzone
i recall shinar once saying the forums were his 'homepage' on the internet and it sure was mine, but over time i've forgotten about it, things have taken my attention away, it slowly faded out of my mind over the years

it's really interesting looking back now and appreciating all the fun i had/highlights over the years.

-having the third highest sword skill rank on the server and the crazy amount of counterattacks that came with it

-having Regiment's Redemption so highly praised and responded to, the first of any writing I'd ever done publicly to garner a response, eventually becoming the 6th or 7th most visited General Discussion thread with 36k views

-I can remember how happy I was when Shanko featured my "Thanks, PvPZone" sombre video on the homepage with the tagline "Happy Christmas" regardless of the style of the video (and it's also incredibly interesting to analyze my editing style and the shots i used to actually go for themes of melancholy and nostalgia out of a minecraft server).

-making that spy fragmovie with opening title cards in Coolvetica (the gmod font, of course) and intro'ing myself as a "DarkChaos" player to bolster my team's rep (also my mother letting me stay up to 3am to play in the tournament, as a kid that was a big thrill).

-I mean, it's actually incredible how much time i put into playing in the server, easily hundreds of hours, posting heaps on the forums as well and making out like I was the best spy (and then panicking and trying to catch up to my ego).

-also the incredible rush when the new improved spy shop was revealed to have my head in it. That was possibly the greatest part of my pvpzone "career", that knowledge that thousands of players were going to pass through that shop, thousands of spy mains, and I would be the little idol, the homage sitting in the corner, immortalized in stone.

Last edited by mcskewl; 30 Jan, 2018 @ 7:07am

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