Otaku Gaming TF
Otaku Gaming TF
27 June, 2015
Czech Republic 
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Cerül 20 Jun, 2018 @ 2:13pm
Suggestions to the Zombie Escape Gamemode
Basically just talk about what changes you would like to see on the Zombie Escape gamemode.

Such examples would include:
Weapon balancing
Class balancing
Gameplay improvements
Map improvements

Feel free to also report and map exploits found on any of the maps. Take a screenshot using your Steam Screenshot Manger, then upload it and post it in this discussion's comments. Map exploits are usually fixed within a day.

Feel free to offer suggestions for new maps as well.

- Alcatron
Last edited by Iroha☆; 22 Sep, 2018 @ 10:54am
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Showing 1-15 of 141 comments
Momonk 20 Jun, 2018 @ 4:35pm 
Sometimes When i play ZE I see Heavies killing zombies on the spawn, is this fair enough?
Cerül 20 Jun, 2018 @ 4:39pm 
Heavies are being watched right now. If they’re spawncamping, they will be warned, then slain.
Kitchen_ace 20 Jun, 2018 @ 6:10pm 
heavys need to have limited bullets
Kitchen_ace 20 Jun, 2018 @ 6:29pm 
players who get picked as alpha zombie have experienced not being able to climb ladders but the other zombies can. this is a problem in maps like underground_escape where you need to climb a ladder to escape as zombie
Cerül 20 Jun, 2018 @ 6:55pm 
Originally posted by Emerald_gamer_2016:
heavys need to have limited bullets
A really good solution would be to make heavies have limited ammo, and slowly regenerate ammo overtime.
Trusted 21 Jun, 2018 @ 8:16am 
We should just get rid of scouts atmoizer double jump. It's really annoying and used for jumping over fences and screwing the team over. Like showdown, at the start, scouts jump over the breakable fences while the reast of the team has to break them. Really annoying, and can fuck the team over later because when the first doors open, the way there closes and almost everytime, the zombies kill the people. Thank you for listening.
Left4Snek 21 Jun, 2018 @ 12:28pm 
The scout should probably not have abilities like force-a-nature jumping or soda popper hype jumps. These abilities would allow a scout to get to places that would be impossible for a zombie to get to. At least the atomizer could be used by the zombie scouts.

As for trimping demos, perhaps just ban the tide turner and booties? It would be that or find a way to detect when a demoman is trimping and kill his momentum by some means (perhaps deploying the base jumper effect and immediately undeploying it may work).

Just throwing this idea out there:
What if all classes (maybe except for heavy) didn't instantly turn when they are hit? Make it such that those classes only turn when they are hit when below 100% HP. Then remove random crits from the red team so that people aren't sent back to spawn with a 30 second wait time by accident. This would probably make medic and other heals such as sandvich heavy or mad milk scout more relevant.

If you guys managed to get through all that, thank you for your time. Just throwing some ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks.
Titan 23 Jun, 2018 @ 4:37am 
Okay so my list of things to make it fair.

Everyone has the same speed
No class gets extra mobility like sticky jumping, atomizer, Tide Turner, Booties, Thermal Thruster etc
All classes get 1 single jump no double jump
Everyone has limited ammo and if it runs out it regenerates at 5 bullets per 3 seconds (to make it fair and similar to CSGO because in the CSGO version people get limited ammo and it doesn't regen)
Armatoste 24 Jun, 2018 @ 6:32pm 
I think that they should add new maps because css are broke af and it's annoying to have infinite metal as engi and spam bullets as heavy so many ammo packs in the map? also fire b hopping every 3 seconds and scouts pressing every button and getting way ahead of everyone and scout is really annoying with force a nature and atomizer. also demoknights are just faster that scouts and they aren't that bad in the zombie team. also soilders,scouts,and demos getting on like the zombie box in voodoo islands is really annoying. also some maps are GARBAGE. like jurassic park or voodoo islands which are either broken in humans always winning or just being bad maps like in jurassic park where scouts get on the heli's wing and the zombies can't kill them. also i think we shouldn't have a admin having to slay someone cammping as heavy and pushing everyone out of like a vent or the hell that is voodoo island's 3rd island house heavy camp. also can we nerf knockback like minis being annoying spawn camp or heavys spawn camping zombies with the huo long heatmaker or classes like the support classes being useless. also just a note that most of the maps look like a 7 day made trash fire with open random stupid things laying around.
Cerül 26 Jun, 2018 @ 9:11pm 
Originally posted by Spookz:
We should just get rid of scouts atmoizer double jump. It's really annoying and used for jumping over fences and screwing the team over. Like showdown, at the start, scouts jump over the breakable fences while the reast of the team has to break them. Really annoying, and can fuck the team over later because when the first doors open, the way there closes and almost everytime, the zombies kill the people. Thank you for listening.

Scouts will most likely have the atomizer and force of nature self-knockback removed to prevent server exploits. There will also be a class limit of 3-5 soon for Scouts.
Cerül 26 Jun, 2018 @ 9:14pm 
Originally posted by TitanReck:
Okay so my list of things to make it fair.

Everyone has the same speed
No class gets extra mobility like sticky jumping, atomizer, Tide Turner, Booties, Thermal Thruster etc
All classes get 1 single jump no double jump
Everyone has limited ammo and if it runs out it regenerates at 5 bullets per 3 seconds (to make it fair and similar to CSGO because in the CSGO version people get limited ammo and it doesn't regen)

I appriciate your suggestions, but setting every class as the same speed would be massively unbalanced. Do you want a heavy moving at the speed of a sniper?

The Thermal Thruster is banned in ZE, the shields will be nerfed in a couple of weeks, and the Atomizer will most likely have it's 2nd jump removed.

Getting rid of key elements in TF2 will make the gamemode too bland. People don't go onto a different game on the same gamemode, and expect it to be the same as the original. They'd just go play CS:S or CS:GO if they want the original gamemode.
Cerül 26 Jun, 2018 @ 9:21pm 
Originally posted by Armatoste:
I think that they should add new maps because css are broke af and it's annoying to have infinite metal as engi and spam bullets as heavy so many ammo packs in the map? also fire b hopping every 3 seconds and scouts pressing every button and getting way ahead of everyone and scout is really annoying with force a nature and atomizer. also demoknights are just faster that scouts and they aren't that bad in the zombie team. also soilders,scouts,and demos getting on like the zombie box in voodoo islands is really annoying. also some maps are GARBAGE. like jurassic park or voodoo islands which are either broken in humans always winning or just being bad maps like in jurassic park where scouts get on the heli's wing and the zombies can't kill them. also i think we shouldn't have a admin having to slay someone cammping as heavy and pushing everyone out of like a vent or the hell that is voodoo island's 3rd island house heavy camp. also can we nerf knockback like minis being annoying spawn camp or heavys spawn camping zombies with the huo long heatmaker or classes like the support classes being useless. also just a note that most of the maps look like a 7 day made trash fire with open random stupid things laying around.

Adding new maps is extremely hard, as you cannot just take the map and shove it into the server. The maps are made for CS:S to keep the feel the same as the original gamemode, but the maps are protected so they cannot be decompiled and stolen. Each map has to be ported into TF2, which takes time. New maps will most likely be added soon, and existing maps will be tweaked to balance between Humans and Zombies.

We are working on a balanced solution to solve the problem of unlimited ammo. Most classes with it are fine, besides Pyro and Heavy, as they are two main sources of knockback.

The speed of Scouts will soon be nerfed, as well as their Atomizer and FoN effects being nerfed.

Demo's shields will be nerfed.

Voodoo is most likely going to be removed, or tweaked to be more fair towards the zombies, so Demomen don't, and can't trimp.

If you see people spawncamping, please leave screenshots showing their names, and the steam id's of all the people who were spawncamping. Use:

We can't constantly keep watch on the servers as the staff do have lives to live, and can't constantly focus on the servers. We apologize if you experience inconvenience.
Last edited by Cerül; 26 Jun, 2018 @ 9:22pm
The Last Gioshii 29 Jun, 2018 @ 4:09am 
I am really enjoying the server with the gamemode. I got a few suggestions to improve the experience:

- Reduce the setup time. (to many times i have seen maps where the blue team is way to far ahead for the zombies to reach them. When they do reach teh blues, they are already defending last point.)

-Reduce respawn time when enemy team got infinite ammo. (I really like that there is inf ammo, but the zombies die quit a bit so once you die, youy lose intrest in running towards the enemie as zombie.)

- limit the amount of mini sentries even more. With Inf ammo they keep placing them anywhere reducing time to reach the enemy again aswell. (or give the minisentries no knockback to avoid the problem aswell)

Hope my suggestions dont sound stupid and might help make the server even better!
Cerül 29 Jun, 2018 @ 6:44am 
Originally posted by The Last Gioshii.:
I am really enjoying the server with the gamemode. I got a few suggestions to improve the experience:

- Reduce the setup time. (to many times i have seen maps where the blue team is way to far ahead for the zombies to reach them. When they do reach teh blues, they are already defending last point.)

-Reduce respawn time when enemy team got infinite ammo. (I really like that there is inf ammo, but the zombies die quit a bit so once you die, youy lose intrest in running towards the enemie as zombie.)

- limit the amount of mini sentries even more. With Inf ammo they keep placing them anywhere reducing time to reach the enemy again aswell. (or give the minisentries no knockback to avoid the problem aswell)

Hope my suggestions dont sound stupid and might help make the server even better!

All of your suggestions are nice, besides the amount of Mini sentries and setup time. Certain maps can have it so humans don't have enough time to get away sometimes, even with the setup being 30 seconds. On the topic of sentries, what would be nice is having the metal of engi lose metal when he builds a mini, like costing 200 to build, then having to wait 30 seconds for his metal to regen. This would also be nice so his Widowmaker can regen metal to use as ammo as well.

Thank you for your suggestions!
Last edited by Cerül; 29 Jun, 2018 @ 6:46am
Lux 1 Jul, 2018 @ 12:26pm 
We need to do something about people sitting afk in spectate. Sometimes I see 3 people in spectate for at least an hour when the server is full.
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