8492nd Squadron 8492nd
8492nd Squadron 8492nd
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2010년 11월 3일
8492nd Squadron 정보

Famous Long Lost Belkan Fighter Squadron

The 229th Tactical Fighter Squadron or "Grabac" is a very famous fighter squadron formed of Belkan fighter pilot Aces from the 15 year old Belkan War.
The 229th nicknamed themselfs the 8492nd Squadron. The 8492nd Squadron was preety much in-active after the Belkan War but they had also gained high trust from the country of Osea.
When the Circum Pacific War started, the 8492nd Squadron re-sumed operation in secret.
During that war, the 8492nd Squadron operated partially with Osea, and also framed the Warthog Squadron from Osea (The squadron you play as in Ace Combat 5) by attacking several civilian areas and also making the Osean Air Force beleive the Warthog Squadron were actualy spies. Osea sent the 8492nd after the Warthog Squadron and shot them down (They were never actualy killed, but the Squadron never returned to Osea after). During the last missions of Ace Combat 5, the "Warthog Squadron" had several other encounters with the 8492nd Squadron. In the end of AC5, Warthog has a final showdown with the 8492nd Squadron and all pilots from the famous squadron were finally shot down. I made this group to teach people about the 8492nd Squadron and what was realy happening with them, because actualy in the Ace Combat series, very little is actualy said about the 8492nd Squadron. If you wish to learn more about the 229th Tactical Fighter Squadron (8492nd), go to this link -

NOTE - This group is a highlighted Squadron from the Belkan Federation. This group is the property of my main group, Belkan Federation.
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2010년 11월 3일