Nerdcubed Fanservers N3FS
Nerdcubed Fanservers N3FS
Creat la
15 aprilie 2013
Toate discuțiile > Discuții generale > Detaliile subiectului
The Ship
We need to organize a time to play The Ship with each other, because what is better than murdering your friends on the internet?
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Unfortunately The Ship servers don't work and the dev no longer works on them, so we can't do it (We have tried). D:
It's a shame. I traded for the 2 Pack a few months ago, and have only played the Campaign.
Nooo! D:
is single player still working?
I always wanted that community Let's play to happen. Now I see why.
Postat inițial de JediDude23:
is single player still working?
ygpa 1 sept. 2013 la 13:19 
I dont own the ship, but maybe try this:
Sir Phil 5 sept. 2013 la 13:57 
^^That is how me and a friend got on some servers a few months ago. There was only about 4 servers listed though but definitely give it a shot if you can. Love that game!
hey totally your gramdpa you played with Dan in his most recent chanlange.
Postat inițial de Mattophobia:
Unfortunately The Ship servers don't work and the
dev no longer works on them, so we can't do it (We have tried). D:
There are a whole bunch of private hosted servers still online, and you can still create your own server and host it which other people can join
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