Nothing Under The Rifle NUTR
Nothing Under The Rifle NUTR
16 September, 2013
holyjew65 15 Sep, 2015 @ 4:28am 
Hello all you may not know me and that is my fault for I have been dead on the pc for a long time, but I am back to help my comrades, I am the creator of NUTR. Blood has been a wonderful leader and he will remain leader, I am only here on pc to assist anyone who needs it as well as help with recruiting more comrades for our cause and our cause is to make a community that will help and play with one another, our goal is to be one of the biggest active community's and thanks to all of you we are closer to our goal with every new member. So I say thank you to all of you active members recruiting and playing and being with us. If anyone needs help or has questions or just wants to play let me or blood or any other leaders know, have a great day and again thank you
DragonDADY 18 Aug, 2014 @ 6:15am 
NOTICE: Squad 7th EEC
This week we are doubling up on training. [THURSDAY: Evaluations and Singles Training] [FRIDAY: Speed and Special Tactics Training (Void)] both of these will take place from 8-10p Central.

Also SpasNinja and I are formulating an intraclan squad tourney 2v2, this happens this week. Spas and I have yet to set the tourney date. So keep your eyes frosty.

Phyrex aka AP
DragonDADY 14 Aug, 2014 @ 12:00pm 
So Training is posted in the appropriate forum for my squad, also those of you regulars of Warframe I invite you to join a squad. We have 5 squads to choose from 2 PvP squads, 1 Security Squad, 1 Resource squad, and 1 Recruitment squad. Message Myself or BloodBallad if you are interested in joining. I strongly urge u to consider applying for a position as slots are limited.

Phyrex aka AP
DragonDADY 17 Jul, 2014 @ 9:10pm 
ALL MEMBERS OF ANY SQUAD IN WF PLEASE CHECK THE POSTS CORRESPONDING TO YOUR SQUAD. This allows you to know what is happening in advance so no questions arise as to the times of the meet or as to the question of "did we have a meet scheduled? or the "I didnt know we were meeting today."

Phyrex- AP
DragonDADY 20 Jun, 2014 @ 9:49am 
if anyone is interested in farmin rubedo, nanospores, morphic or any other hard to get ticket item ill be available throughout the day today intermittently
DragonDADY 20 Jun, 2014 @ 9:48am 
waz up peeps
im back on warframe however the recent hotfix is taking forever to upload so i can download it my internet sucks bigtime
Mynx 30 Apr, 2014 @ 9:05pm 
Revision of last statement everyone should be able to start research in the clan dojo now. As for the new stuff theyve added into the dojos ive started construction on them already.
Mynx 22 Apr, 2014 @ 12:18pm 
Warning: We will start kicking non active players in warframe. I will be judging your activity based on your warframe account and steam account. If you wish to contact us about a leave of absence you can do so by contacting me or any of our other leaders. where also looking to recruit in other games as well if anyone is interested in helping out.
FragPenguin 6 Feb, 2014 @ 3:14pm 
Hey, can we start building more facilities in our Warframe Dojo? I also request that I be given permissions to begin research projects and build facilities, seeing as I'm the only one ever online anymore.
DragonDADY 1 Feb, 2014 @ 2:21pm 
RBD - my only device that could play it frizzed out, w/ Bl00d back and raptor is also a lead, i would ask either of them for help. Im in the process of buying a new PC so that i can rejoin WF. Have no fear we are here for you.
Mynx 1 Feb, 2014 @ 9:29am 
Hey everyone guess who's back from Basic Military Training! Just wanted to notify everyone that Ill be returning within the next 2 weeks once I get settled in tech school. Happy to see were still somewhat active while i was gone for those 2 long months Once I return i will most definitely have us be more active in Warframe and other games. Peace out!
BadVoodoo 14 Jan, 2014 @ 10:59pm 
Hey guys, hows life! So quick question, Joined NUTR on Warframe, having fun playing the game, but problem is we havent seen an officer in quite a while and we have many Initiates who are trying to upgrade the Dojo and Start Clan reearch and upgrade weapons....but none of us have permissions....possible we can get some officers on? or even get some of us permissions so the Warframe Clan can flourish?
DragonDADY 28 Nov, 2013 @ 10:21am 
Yes Happy Thanksgiving/Hanukah/Quanza everybody
Mynx 28 Nov, 2013 @ 8:31am 
Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Mynx 26 Nov, 2013 @ 5:35pm 
Fair Warning we do kick non active members!
Mynx 26 Nov, 2013 @ 10:12am 
Everyone should note that everyone should be able to host and send people invites. If you do happen to send someone a invite ingame please send them an invite into the group on steam as well so they can recieve announcments and such as well.
DragonDADY 26 Nov, 2013 @ 7:37am 
yes, we will see everything. (grins evilly). <- this line is a quirk I have don't take offense ->

We will just be here to guide you and lead you through your experience in NUTR and WF. As my internet is not working on my laptop, I will be here on the forums religiously, if you have any IG issues or questions, Darkest Legend (aka Enslavedhero IGN) will be the one to talk to. Also feel free to peruse the discussion threads. If you have any questions shoot me an IM or if it is a private matter, shoot me a PM. Consider me, at the moment, the Counsilor for all disputes and acts of aggression, between members of this Clan. I appreciate your continued support of NUTR and hope to see you on the battleflieds of WF soon.

- Warlord LordofWolves (aka AestheticPerfection IGN)
Mynx 25 Nov, 2013 @ 8:20am 
Also Note That Darkest Legends and LordofWolves will be watching you guys while im gone so if you have any questions partaining about the clan you can ask them while im gone. But like I said I will be on steam throughout this week to answer any questions you may have.
Mynx 25 Nov, 2013 @ 8:13am 
Hey Everyone just letting you guys know that im goin to make it to where everyone can recruit people and initiates should be able to host now if they have a dojo key which can be found via the market page. I would also like to note that i wont be available December-January because Im goin through Basic Military Training for the Air Force during that time. I will be on steam throughout this week to answer any questions that you may have about us. As for my squad please report in to |noobz|[KMA]smile ^__^ (IGN brothersninja) he will be taking over for me till i get back. Thank you everyone for all your hard work and keep recruiting and donating so we can expand our dojo!:Grineer:
Mynx 24 Nov, 2013 @ 10:28pm 
Try reinstalling the game if you cant get anyone from the support group to help you out from the website.
Kman145 24 Nov, 2013 @ 7:45pm 
my warframe doesnt work it tells me to go through the crash handler then gives me a link and tells me to note a war number i dont know how to solve this so when someone gets the chance can you tell me how to fix this
Mynx 24 Nov, 2013 @ 3:03pm 
Please note to accept invite go under contacts on the right hand portion of you screen click pending and the invite should be there if not please post your name so we know to send you one.
Mynx 21 Nov, 2013 @ 6:32pm 
Hey everyone just letting you guys know that ive sent you invites into the clan in game. Im here to also announce that we have a new leader Darkest Legends(IGN EnslavedHero) and he, LordofWolves(IGN AestheticPerfection) and me(IGN SPASNINJA) will be recruiting for our squads. If you wish to join one you can post it in the squad discussion page being in a squad has its privlages which is explained in the first announcement!
iheartbatsy 21 Nov, 2013 @ 2:50pm 
Hi! excited to play with you all! Warframe ign~ iheartbatsy
The Lone Martian 21 Nov, 2013 @ 1:41pm 
Hey newcomers! Hows life going? xD
AdamAnt 20 Nov, 2013 @ 7:51pm 
Howdy Tennos
Acebrandon117 20 Nov, 2013 @ 7:18pm 
Drifter Ronin 20 Nov, 2013 @ 7:06pm 
Whats up everyone, looking forward to playing with you guys! Warframe IGN : Ronin-Inc.
Mynx 19 Nov, 2013 @ 11:24am 
Everyone must help each other out if were to expand and keep growing. If you see anyone without an invition in warframe please send them one Ive posted instructions already on how to do this. Newcomers please say hello to eveyrone here we will accept anyone you bring with you as long as your loyal to us and as for soldiers or higher ranked in warframe please host dojo servers everynow and then so initiates can donate resources thank you for all your support guys keep up the good work!!!! PS: If anyone would like to help out in other games as well were looking for people to help us expand or make alliances with please contact me or post comments here so we can make this happen were looking to grow as a community of gamers that help each other out.
Mynx 18 Nov, 2013 @ 6:52am 
Everyone please note if I sent you a invite to the group recently Welcome to NUTR first of all and on another note you have to leave you previous guild for me to send invites please post your names here in the forums so i can see who needs invites we still have a number invites pending to be accepted if your one of those people please go under contacts/Pending then right click to accept the invite.
Mynx 10 Nov, 2013 @ 7:03pm 
Hey everyone just letting people know if you dont have an invite in this group pls post your name( I have sent most of you invites in game go under contacs and select pending then you can right click and accept please accept them soon!)
Mynx 9 Nov, 2013 @ 7:09am 
Hey Everyone we have promoted a few people to soldier rank in game these people should be able to host on their own so whoever is under the rank of soldier will need someone to host for them please again if your not in the clan in game but you are in here post your name in this forum so we can see who still needs an invite and who doesnt(anyone with the rank of initiate or higher sould be able to send out invites just send them a friend request and right click their name under contacts or go under the search bar under clan(circled x icon under contacts) and type their IGN in the search bar. Thank you everyone and please keep up the good work and help donating we need to keep expanding and growing so we can set up tournaments soon if you any questions about this you can read the announcment and posted discussions or post them here and we will answer them as soon as we can!:UT2004flak:
FragPenguin 8 Nov, 2013 @ 5:38pm 
Warframe ID FragPenguin waiting for Clan invite
Donitsi 2 Nov, 2013 @ 3:52am 
Duel room and new reactor are finished in Dojo. 2 new labs are still under construction but will be completed very soon.
Mynx 28 Oct, 2013 @ 8:49am 
If anyone is in this group is on the waiting list for Warframe please post your name here anyone can send you an invite for those that are in please send invites out to people who are not in you can do this by sending them friend invites then right clicking their name or by searching for them in the search bar under clan in contacts Thank you for all your hard work so far and please keep donating! We just expanded to the second floor which has the rest of the research facilities and a PvP room that need to be built!
Mynx 26 Oct, 2013 @ 12:18pm 
Right here is fine weve already completed our shadow barracks this is just to get everyone connected with each other :P
Donitsi 26 Oct, 2013 @ 12:07pm 
BL00DBALLAD, Where are we supposed to post our name if we are expecting an invitation?
Mynx 26 Oct, 2013 @ 8:54am 
If any of you are on the waiting list we just finished building the shadow barracks please post your name and if your already in a clan leave it by right clicking your name in the contacts menu i cant send you the invite otherwise the game wont let me
Mynx 25 Oct, 2013 @ 7:52am 
If you dont have the clan emblem yet ive posted a screenshot of it on my profile for you guys to check out!
Mynx 24 Oct, 2013 @ 9:25am 
Hey guys uploaded a new image i created with photoshop looks much better than the last one its currently pending approval and should be applied next update!
DragonDADY 24 Oct, 2013 @ 7:35am 
There will be a squad discussion forum here on the Site, please feel free to leave comments/questions/requests there. Thank you
Mynx 24 Oct, 2013 @ 6:54am 
Please note now that we have enough people were going to start forming squads again if you any questions or requests you can ask me or LordofWolves aka AestheticPerfection.
Nemith 24 Oct, 2013 @ 6:25am 
When free spots open up, please send me and invitation :3
Mynx 22 Oct, 2013 @ 4:59pm 
Please note if you see anyone new here that isnt in the clan yet in game please send them an invite you can do this by either typing their ign in the search bar under contacts/clan(cirlced x button under contacts) or send them a friend invite and right click their name!
DragonDADY 22 Oct, 2013 @ 10:40am 
Ok, those of you who play Warframe semi-religiously the Dojo needs several critical resources to complete several major construction projects. You can best help out by 1 of 2 ways or both if u so choose. 1) The minor construction projects: the Decorations need to be completed across the entirity of our dojo. 2) The Major Comstruction Projects also need some serious work as the Shadow Barracks which gives us a +30 member cap, the Energy Lab gives acess to the Supra energy weapon and needs to be completed, any of the Walkways u see need completion and the Elevator at the far end of the GH (Grand Hall) needs help as well. To complete the Major Constructions we need Forma. If u get forma from any source or can cuonstruct it through BP + Resources any Forma will be appreciated.
Mynx 10 Oct, 2013 @ 12:06pm 
Hey everyone just letting you guys know the new clan emblem has been approved and will be inlcuded in the next update hope it turns out well also im going to leave a recruiting topic in the main forums for warframe on steam if anyone is interested in participating you can comment in the topic.
Mynx 10 Oct, 2013 @ 9:38am 
Just uploaded a new clan emblem hope it turns out ok lol its pending approval as of this moment.
Mynx 9 Oct, 2013 @ 12:30pm 
Sweet just baught the Excalibur Prime Hunter Package looks awesome!
Mynx 9 Oct, 2013 @ 7:25am 
Im looking up how you do it right now looks like only one of needs the key to do this sry mst of misread from the main website
Mynx 9 Oct, 2013 @ 7:21am 
lol read it on the main website Jedlas it should be in the new update today we need four keys one different one from each of us if were goin to do this though lol