Munchkin TTS BigMunchkin
Munchkin TTS BigMunchkin
Fondé le
10 mai 2015
59 commentaires
ArmodaXP 5 mars 2024 à 7h09 
No I abandoned this project because I didn't have the time I needed to dedicate to it. There are others out there though
Mago Magoado 27 févr. 2024 à 5h25 
Does this still works? i'm getting a lot of missing files wen i try to play
FVMF 14 avr. 2023 à 13h24 
@Doverax: your timing is perfect! I've just uploaded V1.17 of the mod on Reddit: . Follow the instructions posted there on how to play the mod.
Doverax 1 avr. 2023 à 19h57 
how do i get this for TTS cant find it but i have seen it
FVMF 18 juin 2021 à 11h18 
@Quaketh: someone is already working on that set. The only cards that I haven't found an owner for yet are:
- Munchkin Legends 3: Myth Prints (56)
- Munchkin Starfinder Credstick Cards (4)
- Munchkin Warhammer 40,000 Kill-O-Meter Cards (4)
Munchkin Legends 3 is notoriously hard to find these days.
I just got the Munchkin: Critical Role, if that's of any intrest ;)
FVMF 13 mai 2021 à 0h10 
@DasIsVas: do you have any indication when you might be able to scan the cards of Beating a Dead Horse? When you're going to start scanning, could you send me an example first? There might be some settings to ease the processing of the cards afterwards for use in TTS. You can send a sample to
FVMF 27 mars 2021 à 13h42 
@DasIsVas: that would be great! I still have some sets to process (Moop's Monster Mashup, Axe Cop, Christmas Lite, Grimm Tidings, and Unicorns & Friends), but getting the scans of Beating a Dead Horse would be nice. If you're able to scan at 600 dpi, then the quality of the cards is good enough for TTS. Also, don't let the cards touch or overlap and you can scan 9 cards per A4.
DasIsVas 27 mars 2021 à 13h08 
i own beating a dead horse, but am currently at college and left my cards at home. When my semester ends or i go back home for the weekend and pick up my cards, i can scan and count all of them.
► 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓴𝓮𝓽𝓱 ◄ 24 mars 2021 à 16h13 
Been playing it lots of the last couple of days, so thank you for the work <3
► 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓴𝓮𝓽𝓱 ◄ 19 mars 2021 à 13h21 
Thank you <3
FVMF 19 mars 2021 à 12h53 
► 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓴𝓮𝓽𝓱 ◄ 19 mars 2021 à 12h39 
Hey guys, looking for ppl to play Munchkin with, wanted to get the game myself so I could host it, but for the life of me, I can't find it anywhere!
ArmodaXP 5 janv. 2021 à 6h05 
Well looks like I'm a bit delayed. Holidays were busy and I'm noticing having a toddler does not grant any time for hobbies it feels like. Hopefully I can get back to this
FVMF 26 déc. 2020 à 6h30 
I've just published a rather large update for my Munchkin TTS mod on nexusmods: .
FVMF 21 déc. 2020 à 10h26 
I've just uploaded my own Munchkin TTS mod on nexusmods: . Specifically, I've added the cards from Munchkin Holiday Surprise (just in time for the holidays!). If you want to help me complete the collection of Munchkin cards, send me a PM!
ArmodaXP 4 déc. 2020 à 10h49 
Well I lost muly internet during Thanksgiving so maybe on Christmas break
FVMF 4 déc. 2020 à 6h40 
I've created an overview of all the cards and expansions that I have available for Munchkin TTS. You can view the overview here: . If you have any of the missing cards, let me know so that we can add those to TTS.
ArmodaXP 17 nov. 2020 à 20h47 
Oh damn thanks man. I'll have to add a few of those to my project. I've got to re do the board because the image link is broken but other than that over Thanksgiving break I should be able to upload it and share it again with everyone.
FVMF 16 nov. 2020 à 6h40 
This mod on nexusmods is still available and has a nice scripted table and many expansions:
nichts 20 oct. 2020 à 10h48 
sick, let me know if you ever wanna play
ArmodaXP 17 oct. 2020 à 16h20 
I am back and will be distributing again shortly. I had a change of life events and didn't have time for anything but soon I will be back in business
Captn_Madman 13 sept. 2020 à 11h37 
Does anybody still have access to the TTS Munchkin Mod?
nichts 25 févr. 2020 à 21h58 
oh no it died
ArmodaXP 4 janv. 2018 à 17h46 
i still have yet to play my rick and morty munchkin
Kiffer 4 janv. 2018 à 4h40 
Awesome ArmodaXP :D Looking forward to play some wicked Munchkin with you, and everybody else :)
ArmodaXP 3 janv. 2018 à 21h34 
i will be hosting the new munchkin all next week so just friend me. i was supposed to get on weeks ago for some of u but been real busy and now i got time
Kiffer 3 janv. 2018 à 19h06 
I'd also love to play some more Munchkin with ppl who knows how to play it :)
Along with a decent table design aswell, the ones on the workshop is abit iffy.
Faith over Riches 2 janv. 2018 à 16h54 
Anything thinking of doing a game soon?
ArmodaXP 25 oct. 2017 à 9h26 
I'm fine tuning the board first
ArmodaXP 25 oct. 2017 à 9h26 
No one else has it but me and at the moment I'm not ready to give it out just yet
Oscar Gamble 23 oct. 2017 à 19h19 
looking for someone super generous to host so I can save rick and morty munchkin for my friends and i. we're playing actively right now with our own board, you'd be a priority to join in our matches in return. add me if you're interested
ArmodaXP 27 sept. 2017 à 11h52 
Rick and morty munchkin is done and ready to play.
ArmodaXP 25 juil. 2017 à 12h19 
just join my game sometime. i have pretty much started adding expansions for my benefit and if people want to be ♥♥♥♥♥ and steal it they will just never have one as cool. waiting on rick and morty then i am adding 4 new expansions.
BSMSR 22 juil. 2017 à 12h33 
would love to play i have the bag of awsomeness one but that must be out of date feel free to friend me im aval anytime day or night also how do i get a set?
ArmodaXP 21 juil. 2017 à 18h43 
the munchkin 2017 is back on. we had some people steal our work so we had to reupload to a new host
ArmodaXP 21 juil. 2017 à 18h42 
add me if u wish
DethCerberus 8 juil. 2017 à 1h22 
would love it of someone could spawn some for me too just let me know
Sairanos 3 juin 2017 à 0h20 
Would love if someone could spawn in a set for me. Feel free to add if anyone is available
ArmodaXP 13 avr. 2017 à 16h28 
Munchkin 2017 is back on. I had to temporarily discontinue it for switching image hosts
Crimefalls :) 13 avr. 2017 à 8h06 
Hi everyone. I'm debating if I should buy TTS, because I really love Munchkin. But sadly can only play it once per year with irl friends. How exactly does it work? Can somebody fill me in? That'd be nice.
ArmodaXP 31 mars 2017 à 17h06 
Munchkin 2017 has been discontinued as of yesterday
ArmodaXP 6 mars 2017 à 22h20 
Ive got the latest board. me and my friend continuously update and improve the board and add new expansions. looking for people to help us add more expansions or scan in cards. we have about 46 expansions so far with custom boxes and artwork and all
Vballs 24 janv. 2017 à 13h15 
I was wondering how some of the mechanics work with munchkin for TTS? I own Munchkin and an XP or 2, and was wondering how it works with TTS. I dont own TTS but if easy to set up, i would love to buy it and play munchkin. Thanks for the help
taiga 23 nov. 2016 à 15h32 
I got a board with all expansions and room for 6 players. Add me if you want to play, I've been dying to play with some experienced people
ixiTimmyixi.TTV 19 nov. 2016 à 12h56 
Looking for the game and any expansions Please. Thanks!
DoorFace 29 juil. 2016 à 12h30 
if some1 has the game hit me up plz
Based 23 févr. 2016 à 3h04 
Looking for people to play Munchkin on a regular base with. Add me! (I got the cards)
Tiederian 9 janv. 2016 à 12h32 
If someone has the expansion sets 2-8 that they could send me that would be great.
Willy Wham Wozzle 26 déc. 2015 à 13h57 
I had the old download but most of the games seem broken now and i'm having issues playing online with friends. I'd love to play here with others too.