Mr raffles mrff
Mr raffles mrff
28 november 2014
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Rules, Guidelines and Refund Policies
Welcome to Mr Raffles Trading and Raffle group! Please read the rules, have fun and reap the rewards of Raffles and Giveaways.


1. Do not beg, spam, flood or whinge. You either win, or lose.

2. Do not change your name to the winner.

3. Be polite, respect the ranks of others and do not argue with the officers and mods.

4. Do not ask for a promotion. For the chance to become a moderator, see How to become a moderator

5. No sexually explicit content and no swearing/cursing.

~~How to Play~~

When an event starts, you must pay a fee set by the owner of the raffle. Usually it is only a reclaimed metal but it all depends on the value of the item raffled as set by If it is a giveaway then all you need to do is to comment on the giveaway and invite all your friends to this club.
You may enter more than once in raffles, unless the raffle owner says otherwise.

~~Refund Policy~~

If you would like a refund, you will recieve it in pure metal only, if you use weapons/items to enter, you won't get them back, just the metal it's worth.
Laatst bewerkt door Nope; 16 aug 2015 om 23:24
Alle discussies > Algemene discussies > Details van topic
Geplaatst op: 19 dec 2014 om 3:34
Aantal berichten: 0