Monster Summer Game 2015 MSG 2015
Monster Summer Game 2015 MSG 2015
11 June, 2015
All Discussions > Ban Appeals > Topic Details
This topic has been locked
wow 18 Jun, 2015 @ 4:46am
Nickname: Little King John
Profile URL:

Date of ban: 17/06/2015
Time of ban: Around 8pm GMT
Ban Reason: Abusing the bot called 'c'

Banned by: [MSG15 MOD] alicia ws@d

Explanation of what happened:

'c' is a steam chat bot that provides some basic functionality. I among with a few others repeatedly used it to pull definitions from urbandictionary for fun. I overstepped the line and used it far more than I should have, to the point of it being spam. Some of the definitions may have been offensive, I can't quite remember.


I don't have any but hopefully alicia can provide some.

To add to my ban appeal, I've recieved a key for the elite group (for being above 55M level in the game) so I'm a valuable member of the MSG community and want to contribute to the next day, unfortunately this ban gets in the way of me sending my key to SoraBot.

In addition, I will promise not to abuse any bot or spam like this again.

Thanks for reading,

Last edited by Master; 18 Jun, 2015 @ 8:10am
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Master 18 Jun, 2015 @ 8:10am 
By your own admission:

Originally posted by Little King John:
I overstepped the line and used it far more than I should have, to the point of it being spam. Some of the definitions may have been offensive, I can't quite remember.

I'm sorry for you if this has gotten in your way to the Elite group, but would be unfair for the others if we made an exception, and would cause a precedent.

Therefore, I've to reject this appeal.
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All Discussions > Ban Appeals > Topic Details
Date Posted: 18 Jun, 2015 @ 4:46am
Posts: 1